dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 5
The Blacksmith’s Shop By Richard Ansdell

Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle My horse threw a shoe. At me! Well, not really. I was playing horseshoes with Bob when one slipped out of his hand on the back-swing. Nailed me pretty good, too. And I thought yesterday’s jigsaw puzzle made me a little cross-eyed. Now I know why Bob’s wife won’t let him […]

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Paint Waves Our daily jigsaw puzzle for today is an abstract jigsaw puzzle. Why? Because I haven’t done one in a while, and I thought the colors in this picture were pretty. Then I tried the tough version of the puzzle. Now my eyes are a little blurry, I have a post nasal drip, and […]

Banner Fish – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Last night we had fish for supper. I’m a big fish eater, although I’m not sure what banner fish would taste like. I did have my kids convinced at one time that the stripes were alternating flavors of vanilla and blueberry. Of course they also thought that chocolate milk came from brown cows. I’m starting […]

Fright-Night – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I went to the store today, to get a few things. There was Halloween stuff everywhere! Candy. Fake spiders. Candy. Styrofoam headstones. Candy. Skeletons. Candy. Did I mention the candy? Anyway, I know Halloween is still several weeks away, but all the Halloween junk (and candy) got me thinking about it, and when I got […]

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Train

Lennette sent me some pictures she took while on vacation. I was listening to “Hey Soul Sister” by Train on the radio and thought about her picture of this train, which runs out of Whitehorse, Alaska. Thanks, Lennette! I think every parent should take their kids on a train trip. It can be fun, if […]

College – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

So Bob’s snooty cousin from Boston comes to visit, and naturally Bob has to introduce his fancy-pants relative to me. Turns out he is an artist and some of his pictures have been turned into jigsaw puzzles. For some reason he goes off on a tangent about colleges, but he pronounces it “collage,” which I […]

Double-Puzzle Thursday!

Two Jigsaw Puzzles For The Price Of One! Hey, two times free is still free, right? OK, I got a little hyper on the sugar cookies tonight, so here are two jigsaw puzzles for you to enjoy. The first one is called “Marguerite” and it’s a flower, not a drink or a girl. Granted, they […]

Clay Marbles

Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle OK, Brenda, this puzzle is for you. Notice I decided to not rotate the pieces in this one, so you can’t say I’m evil. Just mean. I mean, a jigsaw puzzle like this can be a little hard to work, but if you make a drinking game of it, then you […]

Interior Of Building – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I had a request from Rebeca to do a harder puzzle, so today’s jigsaw puzzle is moderately difficult. OK, the tough version might take a while, but it’s doable. (Is that even a word?) It is an interior shot of a building located in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. The bright green paint along […]

Tiger – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I like tigers. Preferably ones that don’t bounce around on their tails, or try to get me to eat sugar drenched flakes of over processed corn. I especially don’t like those that want me to put tons of gas in a gas guzzling car. I prefer the natural kinds. But from a safe distance.

Boat at Lake Bohinj – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

OK, I like boats. After all, I was a sailor for sixteen years. While the boats I rode on were a tad bit larger than this one, I still enjoyed getting into a smaller one once is a while, to go fishing, or just to sail around in. This boat looked a little lonely, so […]

The Lonely Path – A Masterpiece

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle Every once in a while I come across a picture that should be a masterpiece. The one in today’s jigsaw puzzle is one of those masterpieces. I spent more time looking at the photograph than I did playing the puzzle. Enjoy!


Freaky Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle I honestly don’t know what to make of the photograph in today’s jigsaw puzzle. There is a face in there, but the picture is a little bit… Bizarre! Anyway, I tried the tough version out, and decided I would be better off trying to put the vase back together that the […]

Lamp Posts

Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle Leaning on a lamp, Maybe you think I look a tramp, Or you may think I’m hanging ’round to steal a car. But no, I’m not a crook, And if you think that’s what I look, I’ll tell you why I’m here And what my motives are. OK, everyone who is old […]

Bryce Canyon – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Ailene B. visited the United States recently, and took this wonderful photograph of Bryce Canyon. Unlike the Grand Canyon, Brice Canyon was carved by freeze-thaw cycles, and not a river. It is a wonderful place for astronomy buffs, as they have virtually no light pollution, and they have some large telescopes, as well as some […]

Old Phone Booths – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I think Clark Kent would have loved these things. Unless he wrecked them while changing clothes, that is. Seriously, I’ve always been puzzled about where these things go to die. I mean, you really can’t recycle them into anything, except maybe a small closet for people that live in their cars. Still, it was a […]

Cute Kids

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Kids can be cute, but sometimes they can get you going in circles. Sometimes they don’t. So today’s jigsaw puzzle comes with both rotating and non-rotating pieces. If you play the rotating jigsaw puzzle, you can rotate the pieces by left-clicking once to pick it up, then each right-click turns […]

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Colors of Life I like parks, and the park in today’s jigsaw puzzle looks like it would be a nice, quiet place to go for a walk, or even to take a canoe ride. It looks like there is plenty of shade for those warm days, grassy areas to have a picnic, and a nice […]

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – White Tiger

So my wife comes to me and says she found another kitten she wants to adopt. A slight shudder runs down my spine and out my wallet, and I have to ask her “Why?” She tells me it’s got the cutest white fur with black stripes. I’m thinking it’s a zebra cat or else she […]

Countryside – Friday’s Surprise Jigsaw Puzzle

Welcome to October. We don’t really have an idea of what the weather will be like in October. It’s going to be a surprise for us. So is the jigsaw puzzle. It’s a surprise. I’ll let you know how October turns out. Oh, the date is written as “101001” Which is 41 in decimal notation, […]

St. James Park – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

St. James Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks of London. It’s 53 acres in size, and dates back to 1532. Buckingham Palace is on the west side of the park and it has a rich history. I chose this photograph for today’s jigsaw puzzle because of the vibrant colors, and the old, old […]