dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 4
Covered Bridge – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’m a little puzzled about why they would cover a bridge when the rest of the road wasn’t covered. I mean, if the storm is so bad you have to take refuge in a covered bridge, wouldn’t you worry about it being washed into the river with you inside it? Maybe it is covered so […]

Trackside Cottage

Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle On a slightly misty morning, the traveler found herself outside a cottage near the tracks. The only way there was by a rugged footpath, or by train. Still, she had to stop here. With any luck, the long, hard trip would pay off handsomely. Working her way up the path, she cautiously […]

Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Eberbach Abbey Located in Germany, Eberbach Abbey, or “Kloster Eberbach” in German, was founded in 1136. Parts of the movie “The Name of the Rose” was filmed here. The photograph in today’s jig saw puzzle is of a pipe organ and a stained glass window. This puzzle is a little deceptive, in that it seems […]

Staircase in the Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg in Berlin.

Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle I learned today that Volkshochschule means “adult education center.” That’s where the picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle is from. I like to do an occasional puzzle of stairs. They go up, and they go down. Sometimes they go around and around, but they always take you somewhere. Unlike my treadmill, which takes […]


Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Located in Spain, Albarracín is a small town with only about 1,000 people living in it. I thought this jigsaw puzzle would be a strange change from yesterday’s country road. My little Smart Car would have a tough time going down these narrow roads. My neighbor’s Hummer couldn’t even enter the […]

Country Road – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I was listening to my old radio station earlier (the link is near the bottom of the page) when a John Denver tune came on. Then I remembered this photograph that Mary sent me, (Thanks Mary!) and picked it out for today’s jigsaw puzzle. I like it out in the country, sometimes. I hope to […]

Cookies – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

All I can say about today’s jig saw puzzle, is that it’s one tough cookie! ’nuff said.

Cozy Cat – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Kat (yes, that’s her name) is a friend that can’t stand cats. Go figure. Her dog, on the other hand, loves cats. At least I think he does. He’s always chasing them. But he is rather dumb, too, so I don’t think he would know what to do with one if he ever caught it. […]

Poblet Monastery – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The Monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet is located in Catalonia, Spain, and was founded by Cistercian monks from France. It is a beautiful, historical place to visit. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of the interior of one of it’s halls.

Monday’s Jig saw Puzzle – Blue House

Monday is a perfect time to have the blues. For example, I’m blue that we don’t have more Halloween candy left over. I’m blue that I used the wrong type of face paint for Halloween, and now I can’t get it off. I’m blue that I might have to show up at work looking like […]

Haunting for Halloween Candy

Halloween 2010’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Boo! I wanted to come up with something really, really scary for Halloween, but I was afraid if I used a copy of the ballot for Tuesday’s election, I would scare too many people off. After all, politics, like politicians, are a scary, scary thing. So today’s jigsaw puzzle is […]

Sports Fans In Greece

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle There are some popular sports in other countries. Here we see some sports fans in Greece. I’m not sure what sport they are supporting, but I imagine it’s soccer. Then again it could be speed basket weaving, or the “Shot Put Throw and Catch While Blindfolded” competition for all I know. I […]

Roses – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s time for a jig saw puzzle of flowers, so today I found some nice roses. Now, I like roses, but I don’t care for the thorns that much. You can’t do a whole lot with the thorns, and you sure can’t eat them either. Still, I guess it does help keep deer from eating […]

Spa – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve sort of been to a spa before. It was in Thailand. I didn’t know it was a spa until after we wandered in there. I and a couple of Navy friends were on liberty there, and we saw what looked like an interesting bar on the other side of a fence. Truck (that’s what […]

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport

Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Quick: What do you get when a fly lands in your pasta with meat sauce? Answer: Bugatti. OK, so I’m not pronouncing it right. It’s still a cool car, and if someone out there wanted to buy me one, I wouldn’t object. Sigh… I’m afraid the closest I’m getting to one […]

Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – The Canal

I almost made today’s jigsaw puzzle a mystery puzzle, but decided not to at the last second. I have to wonder about these buildings, though. Do their basements ever flood? Or do they have indoor swimming pools in there? In any case, I’ll just work on the puzzle while I’m waiting to catch the next […]

U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Sports Program

Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle The U.S. Army runs a program called the “Army Wounded Warrior Sports Program.” There is a great story about the soldier at the Flickr link below the jigsaw puzzle. Meanwhile, I thought you would enjoy a couple of modern day cowboys as a jigsaw puzzle.

French Garden at Duke Farms

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle My garden isn’t as nice as the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Actually, my garden is a small area next to the front porch. It’s about a foot wide and three feet long. Right now the only thing planted in it is dirt. I have a good crop of dirt going […]

Irish Pub Jigsaw Puzzle – for Saturday

There’s nothing quite like an Irish pub. It’s a great place to get a beer, meet friends, squash a leprechaun, and play darts. OK, I was just checking to see if you were paying attention. It’s my wife’s birthday, so I think that is a good reason to go out for a drink. Perhaps I’ll […]

Grapes – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Friday at last! Time to kick back, relax, and have a glass of wine. Since wine is made from grapes, and I like grapes, today’s jigsaw puzzle is from a picture of grapes. Now if I can only figure out where my wife hid the bottle…

Parking Garage – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Sometimes dealing with the government can be a bit of a pain. I had to go pay a tax bill today. Paying it wasn’t so much the problem as after I left. I couldn’t find my car in the parking garage. It was my own fault, though. I didn’t leave a trail of breadcrumbs back […]