In times past, particularly the 1800’s, some of the better to-do families would have a room exclusively for music. Pianos, cellos, violins, etc. It was a place for people to gather to listen to music because Spotify had lousy coverage back then. Since Netflix hadn’t been invented yet nor even the TV, people would spend […]
Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The cat in today’s jigsaw puzzle caught my fancy, if you will excuse the pun. It’s a creative bit of steampunk artwork, if you ask me. Enjoy!
Here’s a different picture for today’s jigsaw puzzle. It’s called Bluebells and features flowers, leaves and a pretty bird. I hope you like it!
Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a strange but retro living room. It looks like they took part of a warehouse and converted it into an apartment. In a way, it seems like a nice and functional design. I’m not sure I would want to live there, but it still has […]
No, the cat isn’t artistic. The picture is an artistic interpretation of a cat done by the artist. It’s very well done, I might add. I’ve run some puzzles of other animals done in the same or similar style, and of course I’ve had requests for more like it. Enjoy!
Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Luis Coto was a Mexican artist that lived from 1830 to 1891. While he wasn’t as famous as some of his contemporaries, he still created some great art. Enjoy!
Evelyn (who is celebrating the birth of her third grandchild) reminded me that I haven’t run a jigsaw puzzle of horses in a while. Oops. OK, I’m correcting that now, and I’m using a picture of three of them for you. Enjoy!
Flowers are always a favorite subject for jigsaw puzzles, and I happen to like fractals, so today I give you a combination of the two – a fractal that looks a bit like a flower. Enjoy and please share!
Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and is the second largest city in the UAE. The history of the area around Abu Dhabi goes back nearly 5,000 years. It has a lot of beautiful architecture, such as the “Le Café” at the Emirates Palace Hotel that features a drink called “The […]
Someone did a whole series of images featuring people and books, similar to that in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Call them magical books. I’ve run a few before, and they have proved to be popular. I thought you might like this one, too! Enjoy!
Sometimes I let my mind just wander around the inter-webs looking for a topic for a jigsaw puzzle. At some point I started looking at various strange clocks and eventually found this clock with a picture of a beautiful and slighly exotic woman. “Aha!” I thought to myself. “This one looks promising.” So I shared […]
Happy Monday! Just to do something different, today I present a jigsaw puzzle of a cutaway engine. I saw one of this way back when I was in school when they actually taught basic car repair. These days car repair is part of the computer science curriculum. Enjoy!
Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Happy New Year everyone! It’s the start of a brand new year, and I’m ready to go! Here’s hoping that 2023 is better than 2022! Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle!
Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Somehow it seemed appropriate that I make the last jigsaw puzzle of 2022 something to do about winter. Last week it was very cold and I thought for sure we were getting snow, but we didn’t. This week it warmed up to where I was walking around outside this afternoon wearing […]
Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle There are some woods down the street from where I live, and I occasionally go for walks on the pathway through them, much as I did as a child, only back then the woods started at the edge of my backyard. You never know what you are going to see […]
Some neighborhoods are a bit more crowded than others, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be good neighbors. I prefer a bit of room myself, but I’ll take a crowded area with nice people over space with bad people any day. Enjoy the houses!
Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle About two months ago I ran the second of three jigsaw puzzles featuring crystal flower patterns. Today I run the third and final one of that series. The first two had good positive feedback on them, and I decided it would be a good day to run the third one. I […]
Looking for something that at least gave the illusion of warmer weather, I decided to go with this great picture of a couple of parrots and use them in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Now all I need is my flip-flops and a Piña colada. Enjoy and think warm thoughts!
Today is a good day to “break bread” with family and other loved ones. It’s also a good day to bake some good homemade bread as well! Either way, today’s jigsaw puzzle is all about having some delicious bread. Enjoy!