dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 3
Glasses – Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I have not run a jigsaw puzzle of a still life in a while, and with a bottle of wine with my name on it out there somewhere, I need something to pour it into. These glasses will do, although I don’t know the significance of the dice. Why would I be drinking wine? It’s […]

A Bug’s View Of A Big Red Barn

Thursday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I’m glad I’m not a bug. Of course, when it comes to a bug’s life, they don’t know anything different. Still, bugs were around long before we got here, and they will be around long after we are gone. It bugged me that I was having a hard time coming […]

Blue Race Car – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I received over two dozen e-mails about yesterday’s rant / jigsaw puzzle. Every single one was positive, including one lady who admitted she was one of those people that didn’t return things to the store shelf where she picked it up from. She said she recognized herself in the post, and would try to do […]

Tuesday’s Jig Saw Puzzle

Soldiers Tuesday’s jigsaw puzzle, like the soldiers in it, is tough. If it is too tough for you, I apologize. I’m just in one of those moods. I was out shopping yesterday when the woman (I won’t call her a lady) in line in front of me decided she didn’t want something she had picked […]

Welcome To China – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I felt very welcome each time I visited China. The people are friendly. I saw a welcome center for tourists while I was there, and there was a young Chinese lady at the door to greet us and welcome us inside. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of such a place.

Goats – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve heard of men who stare at goats, but have you heard of goats that stare at men? Well, they do. Goats are very curious creatures, and will stop whatever they are eating to see what people are doing, especially if they think they might get something to eat out of it. We saw a […]

Party Table – Saturday Night’s Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s Saturday, which means it is time for a party! A jigsaw puzzle party! OK, I have no idea what that is, but it sounds good on paper: A Puzzle Party.

Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Sea Holly

“Did you see Holly?” “Holly who?” “Holly, the plant lady from the beach.” “No, I did not see Holly.” “Would you like some Sea Holly?” “What, did you slice her up or something?” “No, not her, the plant.” OK, this is getting a little weird, even for me. Just enjoy the jigsaw puzzle. And no, […]

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving’s Jigsaw Puzzle Today is Thanksgiving day in the USA. It’s a time when we get together with relatives, eat lots and lots of food until we can barely move, watch football on TV, then get up the next morning at 3:00 AM to go shopping. I don’t understand it either, but it’s a tradition. […]


Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle I like things that go around and around. Maybe I just like getting dizzy. So for today’s jigsaw puzzle I chose this picture of a carousel. They go around and around, and up and down. Of course, I like playing with the milkshake machine too.

Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Small Hawk

This hawk has nothing to do with politics or war. It is a bird of prey, looking for something to eat. Perhaps we can feed it some politicians. Either way, I like this bird, and I think the jigsaw puzzle is, like the bird, a little tough but worth the effort.

Escort Barge – Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of the crew of escort barges rowing away from the dock at Wat Rachathiwat. They are preparing for the Royal Barge Procession rehearsal. This is in Thailand, one of my favorite countries to visit back when I was in the Navy.

Sunday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Mandarin Duck

So, what happens when a Mandarin duck flies upside down? He quacks up… OK, the duck doesn’t really speak Mandarin Chinese, that’s just it’s name. I did learn some interesting facts about Mandarin ducks. For starters, they perch in trees. I always thought they couldn’t do that because of their webbed feet. The daddy duck […]

Cute Kitty – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The only problem with a jigsaw puzzle of a cute kitty is that it will never be as cute as the kitty is. The nice thing about this cute kitty is I don’t have to clean up after it. I forget what kind of kitty this breed is called, but I do know they have […]

Fabric Pattern – Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

My wife collects fabric. Lots and lots of fabric. She actually makes things out of them sometimes. It occurred to me that a jigsaw puzzle from a fabric pattern would be a little challenging. I had a challenge taking a decent picture, but fortunately someone posted this image for me to use. The mirror image […]

Shells – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I think I may have mentioned my sister, Suzy. You will never guess what her job is. Nope, she does not sell seashells down by the sea shore. She and her husband, Charles Woods, work for a logging company chucking wood. You figure out the rest. Me? I’m gonna go enjoy a nice, somewhat difficult […]

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose

By John Singer Sargent I’m sort of a fan of the prolific John Singer Sargent. For starters, he did more paintings that just about anyone else I know of. You may remember some of his other paintings in earlier jigsaw puzzles. I chose this one because of the paper lanterns the two girls are holding. […]

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Powerful Feet – A Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle OK, I can give you a hint. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is, of course, a surprise (or mystery) jigsaw puzzle. It involves my wife’s feet and part of the zoo I live in. That is the only clue I will give you, but I do think you will like […]

Daisies – Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of the underside of some daisies. I guess you have to think about the perspective of this one. Pushing daisies? (That was a great TV show!) A bug’s life? (I’ve listened to my daughter play that one about a hundred times. Arrggghhhh!!!) Please don’t eat the daisies. Bugs live there.

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Pier

Piers can be fun places to go. You get to walk out over water without getting wet. Some have lots of things to see and do, so much you can easily forget about the water. Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco is one such place. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is that of a pier. Can you see […]

Nice View – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

From high on a hill, this photograph reminded me of when I watched the sunrise from a place called “High Top.” I thought it would make a heck of a jigsaw puzzle, so here it is. Now, if you will excuse me, I think it’s time to go to bed so I can get up […]