dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 10
Small Church in Vevey – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Vevey is a small town in Switzerland. Vevey is one of the ‘pearls of the Swiss Riviera, according to some tourist websites. In addition to the link above, if you simply Google “Vevey” then click on “Images” you can find a gazillion pictures of the place, and find some interesting websites about the place. Yup, […]

Tennis Court Seats

Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I went to a tennis tournament once. I remember showing up really early so I could get a good seat. There were a couple of problems with my plan. 1. All seats were assigned according to your ticket, so getting there early didn’t help. 2. I still had my pick of […]

Mexican Souvenirs

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles Years ago I went to Mexico, and while there I bought some souvenirs, and some things for gifts for my family. I shipped them home, but unfortunately the post office decided to play earthquake with the box. My carefully wrapped pieces of glass, and the wooden toys in the box […]

Frustrated – Thursday’s Daily Puzzle

I’m frustrated. Ever feel like you just can’t get your boat in the water? I guess it’s better than being up the creek without a paddle. You see, my wife’s new kitten knocked over one of the mouse cages, and a bunch of them got loose. (She raises mice to feed the snake.) We caught […]

Orange Eyes – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

The cat in today’s jigsaw puzzle has some pretty orange eyes. It’s the first one I’ve seen like that. I have to wonder if it was photo-shopped or not. In any case, the puzzles have a few extra pieces today, so spare a few extra minutes to play.

City Lights – Tuesday’s Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle

It was a dark and cloudy night… So there I was, late at night, following the suspect as he crept along the street while trying to avoid the lights. I could avoid the lights, too. Problem was, I kept tripping over these strange bumps in the road. After that last stumble, I gently placed my […]

World Cup – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve been hearing a lot about the world cup in the news lately, and when I found this photograph from the 2006 World cup, I thought it would make a good puzzle. To be honest, I have no ideal what all these people and balloons have to do with it, but I imagine it has […]

Football – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Well, there’s always a football game on TV somewhere. I think there’s even a football channel. I don’t really watch football that much. I have a lack of time and a lack of cable TV. My relatives all like football, and I have attended a few games, including pro football games in the past. Way, […]

Mother Love

Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Cats are strange creatures. (I would say they are puzzling creatures, but that would be like saying rain is wet.) My wife’s new kitten decided to start playing with the other cat today. The other cat just wanted to be left alone. The kitten refused to get the message, until the […]

Daisy – Friday’s Puzzle

This is the strangest daisy I’ve ever seen. How did it get that red color? Puzzling, I guess. In any case, it was time for a flower, so here it is. Just please, don’t eat the daises.

Laundry Day – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

The only reason that Thursday is laundry day is that I’m out of clothes for Friday. While casual Friday is nice once in a while, I don’t think they would appreciate me showing up in shorts and a t-shirt. Anyway, today’s jigsaw puzzle has a few more pieces than usual for each version, plus the […]

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The Beach I know where I’d rather be right now. Can you guess from the picture? That’s right, I’d rather be in a beer commercial. As long as it was on the beach, that is. Especially if I was getting paid for it. For now, the best I can do is to work a jigsaw […]

Konik Horses – Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

The Konik horse is actually a small semi-wild pony. As I get requests for horse jigsaw puzzles from time to time, I was happy to run across this photograph. Do me a favor. If you know any horse lovers, tell them about today’s jigsaw puzzle. Thanks, Wayne

Rumbo al Huaytapallana

Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I have no idea what “Rumbo al Huaytapallana” is, but I think it means “train tunnel.” Of course it could be the name of some place, too. In any case, I turned it into a jigsaw puzzle.

Heritage Park – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The local museum has several old, old buildings. I seem to prefer museums like that to ones that are simply a fancy brick building holding a bunch of old stuff. Seeing the houses and buildings people actually lived and worked in makes the history more real. Anyway, history is often a puzzle, so this bit […]


Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle I liked the way the photographer used shadows to create this effect, and was happy to learn it also makes the puzzles a little bit more difficult than normal. Enjoy the challenge, and the weekend.

Brown Bear – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

This week has been a real Bear! I’m so tired, I can’t think up anything to say about today’s daily jigsaw puzzle, so I think I’ll just go hibernate for a week or so while you enjoy the puzzle. Wayne

Art Stuff – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I had a project I wanted to work on, but I couldn’t find my art supplies. I looked all over the place, and when I was about to give up, my wife told me to leave her stuff alone. Gritting my teeth, I looked around some more and I found my art stuff a few […]

The Prestige – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I used to do magic tricks when I was a kid. I wanted to be a prestidigitator – a magician. The only thing I was able to make disappear was some time, and the cards I managed to lose. Still, I had fun, and learned some important lessons. For example, one thing you absolutely have […]

Bridge In The Woods – Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

This little wooden bridge reminds me of some I saw while living in Japan. I hope to have a Japanese garden one day, with a bridge like this going across the koy pond I’d like to have. Wax on, wax off… I found the plans on how to build one of these a few years […]

Starlings – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today I have a bit of an animal theme going on. On the blog there are two new mystery jigsaw puzzles, both animal related. I picked a photograph of starlings for today’s daily puzzle. We have a pet starling that we got about nine years ago or so. She was just a baby when she […]