I hope everyone on the east coast enjoyed the rain I made on Monday. You see, I spent quite a bit of time washing and cleaning my car Sunday evening. Ergo, the downpour Monday. Anyway, these horses seem to be enjoying better weather than we had, and they make a terrific jigsaw puzzle to boot! […]
Yep! It’s time for another abstract jigsaw puzzle. I had a couple of requests for more after the last one, so here you go. Enjoy!
I’d like to say spring is finally here, but it only lasted about seventeen minutes and now it’s full on summer! Yep, I was working outside most of the day again, and yes, it was very warm! Today’s jigsaw puzzle is in celebration of spring, and is of some Blackthorn blossoms, which is actually a […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a gorilla posing next to a log, which is better than a log posing next to a gorilla. As you can tell, I plainly haven’t had enough sleep lately. I’ve Cheeta you out of a better joke because of that. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a mystery puzzle which means you don’t get a preview until you finish the puzzle. But… Then it really isn’t a preview, is it? Anyway, I will give you a hint: The picture is from Czechoslovakia and can make you dizzy. Enjoy!
Remember the old TV show ‘Green Acres?’ The old time tractors in today’s jigsaw puzzle somehow reminded me of that show. I remember riding on an old tractor like this when I was a little kid, but I’m not sure where I was when I rode it. Enjoy the puzzle!
Yesterday’s Fractals jigsaw puzzle was a bit of a tough one, so today, rather than have another melt down (just don’t light the candles) I decided to give you one that’s a bit easier. Enjoy!
OK, I am not playing a joke this year. I am, however, giving you an abstract jigsaw puzzle of a unique fractal image that’s a bit on the tough side. Enjoy and please pin this puzzle on Pintrest!
Monday’s can be a bit of a challenge to go shopping on. Often the stores haven’t had time to clean up and restock after the weekend crowds, and there is nearly always the poor store clerk that was supposed to be off over the weekend but had to come in and work anyway because someone […]
We like to get several different kinds of cabbage from the local farmer’s market. Each one cooks up a bit different than the other. Chinese cabbage is good for stir fry, while red cabbage goes great in Lumpia (The recipe listed says to use thinly sliced green cabbage, but red cabbage gives it better flavor, […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features ivy growing against a brick wall. I really can’t come up with more to say about it than that. Oh, it’s also fun to play. And… There aren’t any bugs. Enjoy!
Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle OK, there aren’t any tigers or bears in today’s jigsaw puzzle, but by request, I do have another classical image to use today. Oh, the picture above is bigger so it will make a better pin, for those of you who use Pinterest! (Hint hint!) Enjoy! Speaking of cats, don’t […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzles is sort of an abstract. It’s rows upon rows of rainbow colored balls. And it’s a little bit on the tough side. Enjoy!
Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The reflections in today’s jigsaw puzzle have nothing to do with the amazing Diana Ross, but still will give a person pause. Happy Birthday, Diana! Enjoy and please share with your friends!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of an old painting of a mail train. I wanted something a bit more classical and was lucky enough to find this picture. Enjoy and share with your friends!
If you are like me, you have probably seen enough branches to last a while. Mine have mostly been on the ground from the storm a couple of weeks ago. I spent a good portion this weekend cleaning them up. The ones in today’s jigsaw puzzle, however, are still attached to the tree, even if […]
Whoo-hoo! I just posted the 1200th word search puzzle over at WordSearchADay. Yes, the complete archives are available there, too! OK, on to today’s jigsaw puzzle. It’s a lazy cat. I just happen to like cats. Dogs are OK, but you’ll ever have to listen to a cat hissing at a leaf blowing across the […]
Anita asked for a traditional subject for a jigsaw puzzle, and so I figured, what’s more traditional for a jigsaw puzzle but an old castle? Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is actually a pattern used in a quilt. Yes, it’s a tough one. No, I don’t have the pattern available to make a quilt with. Enjoy!
You may have noticed that the website was down for a while Wednesday. You can read all about it in the News section to the left, but in a nutshell, I had some people try to download every jigsaw puzzle ever published at one time, and my ISP suspended my account for a while. The […]