dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Play Free Daily Jigsaw puzzles for all ages. JigsawADay.com - Part 45
Beautiful Flowers – Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Someone did a beautiful job with the colors of the flowers in today’s jigsaw puzzle. They really look amazing! Enjoy!

Old Time Medicine – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Looking back about sixty or eighty years into a display from an old time drug store, we see all sorts of powders and concoctions that people took for whatever it was that ailed them. Some helped, and some were pure ‘snake oil’ as it were. I remember my mother putting Mercurochrome on cuts and scrapes […]

Bora Bora – Thursday’s Vacation Jigsaw Puzzle

Bora Bora is one place I have not been – yet! I’ve heard of it, and I once stayed in a hotel with rooms like this (one night only though, I’m afraid.) I enjoyed my all too brief stay, and wished I had a few more days there. I thought you might like to at […]

Riverfront Apartments – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I think that if I were to live overseas again, I would like to live in an apartment in a building much like the ones in today’s jigsaw puzzle. There you have beautiful scenery, easy shopping and restaurants close by, and plenty to see and do but it also seems a bit like a quiet […]

Horses – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

OK, these horses you only get to ride occasionally, unless you really like going around in circles. The jigsaw puzzle is a close-up of part of a carousel, a word I can’t spell without a dictionary. Enjoy!

Test Pattern – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of what appears to be a test pattern. Now, depending on how you mentally process images of this type, the puzzle is going to be easy for you or very hard. You see, different people process patterns differently. Consider it one of those left-brain / right-brain things. Enjoy!

Salad Toppings – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I haven’t had a good salad in a few weeks, but plan on having one today. With that decision comes the need for some good salad toppings, and they were the inspiration for today’s delicious jigsaw puzzle. Dig right in!

Young Art – Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Lisa asked me for a jigsaw puzzle her kids might like. When I asked what they were into, she said anything that looked like comics. Well, I’m not familiar with kid’s comics these days, but this picture looked like something that might just work. (I really hope they aren’t old enough for Anime yet!) Enjoy!

The Old Mill – Friday’s Artistic Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today we take an artistic look at the painting of an old mill. I’ve seen several variations on this theme before, but this one is rather unique looking. I’d like to visit one of these old mills again someday. I visited one once when I was a young man. Of course, I wouldn’t want to […]

The Elephant In The Wall

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle There are some good artists out there, and many times the put their artwork on buildings. In this case, it’s an elephant painted on a wall, and not just any elephant, it’s one dressed up for a celebration! Perhaps he’s celebrating being in today’s jigsaw puzzle? Enjoy!

The Old Forgotten Train – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Long ago this old train was shiny and new. People loved to ride it to travel from one city to another. Perhaps they were on vacation, and looked out the windows to see new things and places. Perhaps they traveled for work, or to move to a new home. In some cases, they were going […]

Swan Stone Castle – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Swan Stone Castle, or Neuschwanstein Castle, as it were, is rather unique. Rather than being some ancient construction, it was actually started in 1869, however, construction to this day has never been completed. Click the link above to read all about it on Wikipedia, and make a small donation while you are there. I did! […]

Yard Work – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’m guessing that by the subject of today’s jigsaw puzzle you can tell what I did all weekend long. I’m beating my yard into shape, slowly but surely. I’ll be putting down more topsoil next weekend, and the grass I planted a couple of weeks ago is finally starting to come in. I’ve had to […]

Big Basket Of Fresh Vegetables

Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle We’re going to the farmers market Sunday, and I’m looking forward to getting some fresh, locally grown vegetables. It’s all part of our slowly changing to better quality food to eat. Food has become crazy expensive, so as long as you are going broke buying it, you might as well […]

Splash Of Color – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Eva asked for something colorful for a jigsaw puzzle, and this picture sure looks colorful to me! Enjoy!

Vespa and Graffiti

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Well, it’s Friday and the weekend is almost here! Soon, it will be time to hop on the old Vespa and get away from things for a while. You’ll be able to enjoy all the street art wherever you park, or you can go to the countryside for a while. […]

Fuzzy Tiger In The Woods

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Adding in a new Wildlife jigsaw puzzle to the collection, this time I find a tiger that appears like someone forgot to put the fabric softner in the wash. He’s a bit fuzzy. A bad hair day, as it were. Still, he’s cute but don’t try to pet him! I think […]

Still Life – Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Eva said I hadn’t done a still life jigsaw puzzle in over a month, and wanted me to do one. I found and rejected several pictures, then found one with some nice sunflowers in it, and I remembered Eva once told me she really liked painting sunflowers. This one was the perfect choice for today’s […]

Shapes – Tuesday’s Tough Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Paula asked for a tough jigsaw puzzle as she wanted a bit of a challenge. This one is on the tough side. Extra tough. The shapes sort of layered here add to that – a lot! If you would rather have one a bit easier, try clicking on the links to the right for some […]

Birds – Monday’s Illustrated Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I found a nice old illustration of some birds and an old house to use in today’s jigsaw puzzle. I did a bit of tweaking on the image to improve its quality as it was a bit faded with age, and I think it helped a bit. There are a few more items in the […]

Beautiful – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The only word that describes today’s abstract jigsaw puzzle is beautiful! It’s a very interesting mix of different things that just seem to come together to make a beautiful picture. There is a beautiful young lady, butterflies, flowers, an astral glow, and so much more. Enjoy and please share!