Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Look! Giant mice invaded this house and not only took it over, they are eating the house too! Now the big question is, how many of these cute little mice do you see? Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle, and don’t forget the cat!
There’s an old joke about, what do you do if you get mugged by a clown, a juggler and a magician? Why, you go for the jugular, of course! That joke has nothing to do with today’s jigsaw puzzle, except our subject is a juggler and his assistant. It’s just something different, is all. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a large fountain in a beautiful park. Now I’m not sure where the handle is you push when you want to take a drink of water, but it’s probably on the other side. Oh? It’s not that kind of fountain? Well, I’m sure you can get a drink somewhere. Enjoy!
As a special request for Sandra, I present a beautiful mandala for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy and don’t forget to share it with others!
After a long weekend, it’s time for most of us to return to work. That inspired me to pick out a picture of a factory for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Now, not everyone works in a factory. Many work in offices, warehouses, restaurants, retail stores, farms, or drive trucks or any of a hundred different things. […]
The picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle looks somewhat like stained glass. The subject is titled ‘fruit’ but I spy at least one vegetable in there. Ah, well. Artistic license and all that. Enjoy the puzzle!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a different steampunk take on a picture of a door surrounded by hundreds of books. This one features a lot of clocks and clockwork gears, etc., and I call it The Door Of Time I hope you like it!
Ever play a card game called ‘hearts?’ Today’s jigsaw puzzle reminded me how we used to play that as a kid. Yep, we had to play that because back then the other three suits hadn’t been invented yet, and the cards were actually carved from stone. Life was a bit different way back when. Enjoy […]
This picture of a cat seemed really interesting, and I thought you might like it as today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!
Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Happy Thursday! For today’s jigsaw puzzle I decided to make things a bit music oriented, so here’s a guitar placed at a precise 45° angle. (Sorry, but I always heard that musical education was a matter of degrees.) Enjoy and please share!
Short and sweet, I liked the look of this historic house, and picked it out for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!
I was looking around for something a bit different for a jigsaw puzzle, but not too different, when I found this painted fence. I liked the painting on it, and here it is for you now. Enjoy!
I’ve previously run some puzzles based on the work of the same artist (André Dorais) as the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle, and thought you would enjoy the parrots in this one. Don’t forget to share!
Eva challenged me to come up with something unique, weird and unlikely for a jigsaw puzzle. Challenge accepted and answered! What do you think? Did I succeed with this ‘invasion’ puzzle? Enjoy!
Friday’s Magic Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Someone once asked me how computers worked, and I told them “Magic.” There’s a theory among us computer/electronics geeks that all things electronic work off of magic generated by blue smoke. How do we know this? Simple! If you let the blue smoke out of anything electronic, it stops working. […]
I don’t know about you, but I think the village in today’s jigsaw puzzle looks amazing! I’m not sure which one I want to stay in. I’m thinking the tree house one, but then again the one on the left looks bigger. It looks like a great place to explore, too! Enjoy today’s puzzle!
Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle This place is going to the dogs! Well, sort of. One of our neighbors got a new dog and it is protecting the entire neighborhood from every single rustling leaf, cricket and breeze that dares come within a mile of her house by letting everyone know about it. Strangely, these things […]
If today’s jigsaw puzzle looks a bit familiar, it’s because I previously ran a puzzle that of the same mountain top, but from further away. You saw more landscape and a monk meditating, but you couldn’t get much detail out of it as the monastery was about half the size. I found this picture that […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle came about by the fact that it’s Monday and time to head to the labyrinth called “work” where I will be solving dozens of puzzles each day. Such is the life of an IT guy. It’s good thing I like puzzles! Enjoy!