All this time I thought Sake came in small ceramic pots and were served in tiny cups. Seems that Sake also comes in twenty gallon barrels like the ones in today’s jigsaw puzzle, too! Enjoy!
Thursday’s Daily Groovy Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle goes back to the 1960’s and 1970’s when things were groovy and everyone had round glasses. Someone did some good artwork for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Grab your bell-bottom jeans and disco ball, and enjoy!
As something a bit different, we take a look inside an old factory. Now, at first I thought it might be a place they worked on trains, but then realized those weren’t railroad tracks running down the center. Towards the back, there is what appears to be a conveyor belt, but I’m not sure what […]
Hallstatt, according to Wikipedia, is a small town in the Austrian state of Upper Austria. It was also declared a World Heritage Site. It has a rich history dating back to over 1200 B.C. It’s a beautiful location and is one of the most photographed places in the world. Sadly, over-tourism has as many as […]
The weather was beautiful today, so I took a nice long walk down a scenic, tree-lined avenue. The trees provided just the right amount of shade and the breeze between them was perfect. I thought I would share that walk with you in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!
I finally cleaned out the storage building and found a bunch of old paint cans. “Cool!” I thought! “I can finally paint those roadside bookshelves someone threw out and I was lucky enough to get to first.” Yep, you can never have too many bookshelves. Of course, I think I must have waited a bit […]
It’s time for one of my favorite jigsaw puzzle subjects – a library! Not just any library, but the world-famous Gladstone’s Library. You see, it’s not just a library. It’s a residential library, meaning it has 26 bedrooms you can rent, a restaurant, multiple reading rooms and over 150,000 books you can read. You’ll even […]
Today we bring you an interesting piece of street art, also known as graffiti. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be, but somehow I think there’s a bit of an underseas theme in there somewhere. Enjoy!
Thursday’s Confusing Jigsaw Puzzles The picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle was named “Flowers” but I’m trying to figure out how they got that name. Honestly, it looks more like a tree to me. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is red. Well, different shades of red. It’s an interesting painting of a steampunk girl. Hey, I like weird art from time to time! Enjoy!
Up the road a short distance, they hold an antique car show every month. I’ve been to it a couple of times over the years, and while the car in today’s jigsaw puzzle wouldn’t be the oldest one there, it isn’t off by much. The only thing I find discouraging about the show are the […]
Happy Halloween! Monday’s Double Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles I know not everyone celebrates Halloween, and I hope you will still enjoy the puzzles. For me, the best part is all the chocolate is half-price starting on Tuesday! Now, for the first jigsaw puzzle, we have a nice picture of a slightly haunted house under a […]
There are some villages that are just best described as ‘quaint.’ The village in today’s jigsaw puzzle seems to fit that description. Granted, there are parts you can’t see (I have multiple pictures of the place) but this nice walkway with plants growing on it, and the stonework along the banks, make it seem that […]
For today’s jigsaw puzzle we go for a walk in the woods where we found an amazing house, complete with a waterwheel, flowers, butterflies, and more. Many thanks to Rebecca for suggesting it. Enjoy! P.S. – Only two more days until the Nightmare Jigsaw Puzzle comes!
I was doing some “research” into a Halloween costume when I found this picture. No, it’s not a Halloween costume – it’s from a festival in Venice. Anyway, I thought it was a good photograph and would make a good jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy! P.S. – A Real Nightmare of a jigsaw puzzle is coming only […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features some shelving with glasses on them. It falls into the repeating pattern category of puzzles. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a nice painting of some mountains with a river, castle and houses. Oh, and a few horses and some birds. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features an abstract painting of some big birds. No, not the talking seven feet tall yellow kind. Cranes, I believe. Enjoy!
Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The fall traveling fairs are making the rounds again, and I remember riding a balloon ride with I was a kid. It spun you around and went up and down and had a big balloon on a pole above you. When I was about six or seven, that was the most […]
Eva mentioned I hadn’t done any jigsaw puzzles of healthy food in a while, so I thought I would serve up a nice fruit platter today. Yum! Enjoy!