dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Play Free Daily Jigsaw puzzles for all ages. JigsawADay.com - Part 36
An Old Sailor – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a painting of an old sailor enjoying a drink at a bar in port somewhere. Through the window he watches younger sailors socialize while he drinks alone. Perhaps he prefers it that way, where he can enjoy a bit of solitude and remember better days. Enjoy!

The Golden Cat

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is an amazing bit of artwork featuring the face of a golden cat with a floral background. I think the cat seems a bit regal to me. What do you think? Enjoy!

Mushrooms – Thursday’s Colorful Fungus Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is an interesting collection of very colorful mushrooms. As pretty as they are, I somehow don’t think I’m going to put them on my pizza. Enjoy and please share!

Giraffe – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Going back to the AI generated art, today’s jigsaw puzzle features a picture of a cute baby giraffe. Enjoy!

Street Art – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle


Cabins In The Woods – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I ran a jigsaw puzzle of a cabin in the woods about a month ago, and had a few people say they enjoyed the puzzle and ask for more like it. I’ve always wanted my own cabin in the woods but never got one. Today’s puzzle features not one but two cabins of an interesting […]

The Storm Spirits by Evelyn De Morgan

Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle was recommended to my by Evelyn in California. She said she has a print of it that her husband gave her for their first anniversary. I wonder if the name of the artist had anything to do with it? I happen to think it’s an amazing painting. […]

The Pirate – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Just to do something different for a jigsaw puzzle, I decided to use this image of a pirate. Enjoy!

Three Days Late – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I was saving today’s jigsaw puzzle for Valentine’s Day, but misplaced it on my computer. Today I was cleaning some old stuff off of my hard drive and found it in a graphic software folder. I don’t know how it got there, but, I decided to go ahead and share it with you instead of […]

The House Of Representatives

Thursday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I honestly have no clue as to why I chose the picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle. I just ran across it and thought that it would make a good puzzle. I’m not particularity interested in government these days, but I do think the way it looks is rather impressive. I […]

Couples – Wednesday’s Tougher Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s time for a jigsaw puzzle that’s a bit tougher than my usual ones. In this case, it’s four pictures of couples. They look similar, but there are significant differences between each of them. Different hair styles, eye colors, facial shapes, and more. Enjoy!

Happy Girl – Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Sherry asked me for a cute jigsaw puzzle and this happy little girl is about as cute as they come. This is another AI generated image. AI is getting scary good! Enjoy!

Vintage Couple – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

For today’s jigsaw puzzle, I found a very nice painting of a vintage couple and by vintage, I don’t mean an old couple. I mean the couple were dressed in vintage clothes and it was done in a bit of a retro style. I think you will enjoy playing this one.

The Hospital – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Despite the appearance, the building in today’s jigsaw puzzle is a hospital, not a church or a monastery. Granted, it may have started out as one or the other, but now it is a hospital. I liked the somewhat gothic look it had, and that’s why I picked it out. Enjoy!

New Castle – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Here’s a new take on a castle – it was generated by Artificial Intelligence! I think it turned out pretty good for a cartoon type picture. Instead of being photo-realistic, this A.I. did something more like you would see in a Saturday morning cartoon. What do you think of the castle in today’s jigsaw puzzle?

Duck Painting by Robert Wilkinson Padley

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I found a slightly faded painting of a duck by British painter Robert Wilkinson Padley on a stock exchange and decided it would be interesting to see what I could do with it. Some digital magic and I had a great subject for a jigsaw puzzle. More details? OK, the […]

Beautiful Flowers – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

There’s some sort of holiday coming up where you are supposed to buy people flowers and chocolates, but I can’t remember what it is! Well, I gave up chocolate, so I guess I just need to worry about the flowers. I’ve been thinking about needing to buy some all day, so the idea kind of […]

A Dog In The Woods

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I’ve seem to have given a lot of attention to cats in my jigsaw puzzles lately, so I figured I needed to give some time to dogs, too! This dog seem to be enjoying the butterflies. Enjoy!

A Really Old Town – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a nice painting of an old town. The original was washed out but I did a bit of photo enhancements to bring out he colors somewhat. The picture centers around the town square and has a nice fountain in the center. In the back there is a church, and street vendors […]

Really Small Apartments – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Judging by how close the balconies are, I have to assume these are really tiny apartments. Then again, they could just be at the ends of hallways and they are full of right angles to squeeze them all in. So yes, I thought it would make a great jigsaw puzzle because someone did a creative […]

Cat Fish – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle definitely fits into the “cute” category. I really have to wonder how fish feel about a cat looking at them when they live in a fishbowl. I don’t think I would be to comfortable with that, especially considering how cats like to knock things off of tables. But yeah, it’s a cute […]