dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Play Free Daily Jigsaw puzzles for all ages. JigsawADay.com - Part 34
The Eagle Has Landed

Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a nice artistic rendition of a colorful eagle. Enjoy and please share!

Visit To A Nice Resort Hotel

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I took my wife to a resort hotel in Bali years and years ago. We had a nice vacation there, and got to see a lot of interesting things. We went on a couple of tours, did some shopping, and found some wonderful restaurants too. Seeing the picture in today’s […]

The Owl – Thursday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Here’s a slightly different take on an owl for today’s jigsaw puzzle. I played around with the original picture a bit, and even tried adding a flaming ring around the owl, but it didn’t turn out the way I wanted so I settled with tweaking the colors a bit to bring out more detail. Enjoy!

Strange Village

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I like the strange and unusual, and this picture is of a strange looking village in winter. Then again, it could be summer there and that’s as warm as it gets. One thing’s for sure – they have big windows and well-lit interiors. Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle!

Down The Tubes – Tuesday’s Different Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I figured it was time for something a bit abstract, but not so much, but different. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a bit of a strange take on tubes, or pipes, with almost a fractal basis in that the pieces scale down a bit like they do in full fractals. It’s an interesting puzzle and isn’t […]

Zeus – Sky and Thunder God in Ancient Greece

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I’ve been a fan of Greek heroes and myths since I was in Junior High School. Norse mythology, too, but that was more due to comic books. Personally, I think Zeus got a bad rap in the latest Thor movie, but years before comics and Marvel Movies, studying ancient myths […]

Roses – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I got some good feedback on Friday’s bonus jigsaw puzzle of flowers, but a couple of people said it was too tough. In that case, today I present some beautiful roses, but not as hard to play as the one on Friday. Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle!

A Girl And Her Horse

Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Happy April Fool’s Day! No, I’m not going to play a joke on you today. Instead I have a nice portrait of a girl and her horse for our jigsaw puzzle. (Did you play yesterday’s double jigsaw puzzles yet?) Enjoy!

Flying Fox and a Tough Bonus

Friday’s Super Double Jigsaw Puzzle It’s the end of March and today I have two jigsaw puzzles for you to enjoy. The first one is a unique take on a flying fox. The second one is a tough version of some flowers because I had a request for a tougher jigsaw puzzle. I figure since […]

Family Portrait – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I guess I’ve gone into a classical style mode for a few days, and the latest one is this painting of a mother, son and daughter. I have no further details about it other than I saw it somewhere a few years back, and when it appeared on my favorite stock exchange, I got it […]


Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is titled Enlightenment. Looking at the picture, you can easily see why. I felt the need create a jigsaw puzzle that was very different than the usual ones I do, and I felt as one with the universe when I found this image. OK, not really. It just […]

Butterfly On Flowers

Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I do get requests for butterflies from time to time. I like them, though there are those that call them flying worms or worms with wings. They are some amazing creatures and are usually quite beautiful! In this case, there are also flowers in the picture too! Enjoy!

Portrait of a Young Woman with Fruit

Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I found this beautiful portrait of a young woman and decided to give it a classical sounding title when I created today’s jigsaw puzzle. The original picture was a bit darker so I brightened it up a bit to make it more enjoyable to play. What do you think? Enjoy and […]

Clocks – Sunday’s Timekeeping Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is about time. No, not in “it’s about time you got here.” More along the lines of the subject of the puzzle is time, as in clocks that let you tell time. Anyway, it’s time I let you get to the puzzle. (OK, that pun wasn’t worth the time it took to […]

The Fog – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

This picture of a foggy evening sort of reminds me of a famous painting, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. In a way, it sort of looks a bit creepy, but dramatic as well, as if it were the setting for a paranormal mystery set back in the 1800’s. OK, I’ll let […]

Colorful Kitten – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I figured it was time for a colorful jigsaw puzzle and Eva had mentioned wanting another cat puzzle a couple of weeks ago. I found this little ball of fur done up quite nicely. Hopefully you will enjoy it too!

Rope – Thursday’s Tied Up Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

“Don’t bother me now! I’m tied up working a jigsaw puzzle!” Yep, people have actually used those words before. I found this picture in my library of images and it just tugged at me to use it. That’s it. I’m not going to try to make anymore puns about rope. Instead I’m going to let […]

The Old Homestead – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I have an old Navy friend named Julie (later married to a guy named Jule, believe it or not) who grew up in the mid-west. She used to kid me about living in a shack with the nearest neighbor five miles away. She was kidding and later let it slip that her grandparents’ house was […]

Mountains – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Just over a year ago I presented a jigsaw puzzle in the same style as today’s mountains. It was of a forest, but still by the same artist. I’ve had several people since then ask me for more like it. Well, here it is! Enjoy!

Still Life – Amazing Flowers And More

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is an amazing still life of some beautiful flowers. There’s also a few butterflies in there as well. Enjoy and please share!

Stained Glass from Oradea – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I get the occasional request for a jigsaw puzzle of stained glass. I’d like to do more, but good pictures I can actually use are hard to find. This one took a bit of image enhancement to make it usable, and I hope you enjoy it! Oh, Oradea is a city in Romania, but I […]