dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Play Free Daily Jigsaw puzzles for all ages. JigsawADay.com - Part 3
Stained Glass Knight – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I found this nice image of a Knight done in a stained glass style to use in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!

Strange Design – Wednesday’s Tough Jigsaw Puzzle

I was informed that my latest “tough” jigsaw puzzle wasn’t nearly tough enough. OK, I accepted the implied challenge. This lovely design is not for the faint of heart! Well, it isn’t quite that bad, and I still had fun working it. Enjoy!

Dining Room – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

My parents had a fancy dining room when I was growing up. I know it was fancy as I wasn’t allowed in there unless we had company over for dinner and there were empty seats for my brother and myself. Anyway, that was the inspiration for today’s jigsaw puzzle as I saw the dining room […]

Horse – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Here’s a nice image of a horse for today’s jigsaw puzzle. He kind of reminds me of the horses some relatives of mine raised. Enjoy the puzzle, and share it with a fellow horse-lover or two, please!

Octagon Abstract – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’m going out on a limb on today’s jigsaw puzzle. It’s kinda different and a strange choice, but I think you’ll like the challenge. Enjoy!

Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Flowers

Flowers continues to be the most popular subject for jigsaw puzzles, so I get the most requests for them. This one is a bit different than my usual puzzles, though. I did some photo-magic to clean up the original picture and bring out the colors first. Enjoy and please share!

Cat Still Life – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Those of us who have cats know that a still life of an awake cat isn’t possible. They will move when you don’t want them to, and if you are recording video, they won’t move, not even for a herd of angry Chihuahuas. Still, I thought this would make a good jigsaw puzzle for you […]

Retro Trip To The Past – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Going back to the 1950’s or maybe even the 40’s, the picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle is by the favorite Miss Whimsy. Yup, I had more requests of her artwork, and loved the look of this one. The lady in the picture truly has the retro look! Enjoy!

A Trip To Greece – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Years ago, I was lucky enough to have a short stop in Greece. Not as long as I wanted, but still, better than nothing. Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a tourist area with some shopping, residences, and a church, all with some scenic mountains in the background. Enjoy!

Silly Little Turtle – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Ginger asked for a “silly” jigsaw puzzle and this one brought a smile to my face. It’s a surprise, and your only clue is the word “turtle.” Enjoy!

Mountain Town – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

There’s something unique about small mountain towns. They are calm and relaxing. The people are (usually) friendly and they often have plenty to do around them. Hiking, for example. Social activities. Digging your way out of your front door after it snows. Skiing, and more. I prefer my mountains during the summer season. This town […]

Landscape With A Castle

Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Here’s a nice landscape jigsaw puzzle that has a big castle in the center. Can you imagine getting to walk around and explore that place? I would love to do that! I like old places and museums, but don’t get to go nearly often enough. Enjoy!

Two Girls and a Cottage

Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Apparently I’m not the only one who likes Miss Whimsey’s art, judging by the email and Facebook messages I’ve received. This one features two barefoot girls wearing fancy clothes with hoods, a cottage in the background, and a bunch of birds and flowers. There’s a lot of detail in this picture […]

Cute Puppy Dog – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve given a lot of time to cats in my jigsaw puzzles over the last few months, and was told I need more dogs. Puppy dogs, to be specific. (Is puppy dog one word or two?) Today’s jigsaw puzzle has a picture that was unusual enough to work great as a puzzle. Enjoy!

Beautiful Fish – Thursday’s Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle

I was reminded that I hadn’t done a mystery jigsaw puzzle in a while, and figured today’s jigsaw puzzle would be a good one. Your only clue is “Beautiful Fish.” Like all of the mystery puzzles, you don’t get to see the picture until after you work it. Enjoy!

Girl On A  Park Bench With a Cat and Sunflowers

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle For today’s jigsaw puzzle we have a pretty girl relaxing on a park bench and a cat in her lap. Behind them is a field of sunflowers. I hope you like the puzzle!

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Sandcastle

This sand sculpture of a castle is amazing! It’s the ultimate sandcastle! My sandcastles tended to look like they’ve been hit by a hurricane, flood and meteor strike at the same time! Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle!

Dramatic Horse – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(Sorry about the missed puzzle yesterday. I’m back to my semi-normal self now.) Here’s a dramatic looking image of a horse. I really liked the way the colors all work together. Enjoy!

Sunday’s puzzle will be delayed…

Or I might have to skip it entirely. Sorry about that. I’m a bit under the weather.

Castle – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The castle in today’s jigsaw puzzle is a step back to the more traditional jigsaw puzzles I ran during the early days of this website. I hope you like it!

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Painted Birds

I think I confused Bob. He thought I was running a jigsaw puzzle about some birds that someone painted, as put paint on live birds. It’s actually a painting of birds. Guess I should have been a bit clearer about the birds. Enjoy!