These colorful cats reminded me of that time years and years ago when my wife was painting our kitchen and our three cats were a bit too curious and one knocked over a small can of paint and it got on all three of them, then one bumped into the step-stool where a small sample-sized […]
Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Jellyfish are amazing creatures. They come in lots of different species and live under a variety of different conditions, including some that live in fresh water. They can be found all over the world, and some even glow in the dark. They are the oldest existing multi-organ animal alive, and […]
I nearly didn’t do a jigsaw puzzle celebrating the 4th of July as I couldn’t find one that I liked, so I decided to dip my toes back into the AI pool and create my own. Now, the stars aren’t quite right, but over all I got a decent picture to use and I think […]
I forgot to digitally sign yesterday’s Anime Girl jigsaw puzzle until late in the afternoon. Sorry about that. If they wouldn’t work for you, please delete them from your computer and download them again, and they should play fine. To make up for it, I present not one but two jigsaw puzzles for your enjoyment. […]
(Oops! Forgot to digitally sign the puzzles. Sorry about that! Please delete the downloaded copies and download them again.) I think more people must be discovering Anime or something. Perhaps people are sharing my earlier Anime jigsaw puzzles with their children or grandchildren. They get a lot of downloads and I seem to be getting […]
OK, I’m experimenting with some different kinds of images for the jigsaw puzzles than what I normally use. I found these 3D swirls to be rather unique. I don’t think I’ve ever used anything quite like them. What do you think? Is it a good jigsaw puzzle? Enjoy!
I’ve always liked the ocean. Perhaps that had something to do with why I joined the Navy in my younger days. Perhaps, perhaps not. Anyway, I found today’s jigsaw puzzle to be a bit more of a challenge, but enjoyed it a lot. I figure with everyone heading to the beach this weekend, it would […]
I’ve had this picture for a while and finally decided to use it in a jigsaw puzzle. I think it’s a cute little dragon. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw features a beautiful picture of a lady knight with amazing red hair and beautiful green eyes! The armor she’s wearing looks heavy, but I’ll bet that if she was real, she could hold her own in any fight! Thank you, Lisa, for the suggestion. Enjoy and please share!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a new kind of abstract design. In a way, it almost looks like each piece was cut out and arranged in an interesting way. In any case, it’s not an exceptionally difficult jigsaw puzzle but it’s still fun to play. Enjoy!
Monday’s Artistic Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a painting that’s a bit different. I liked it! I hope you do too! Enjoy!
Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The jigsaw puzzles of the colorful cats must be popular. I keep getting requests for more! Well, the pictures are harder to come by, but I was able to find a purple cat I liked, and I hope you enjoy it too!
We have a food truck that shows up at my day job about once a month, and they make the best hamburgers! How good, you ask? I once drove in on my day off go get one of their burgers! Anyway, yesterday I had one of their burgers and that was the inspiration for today’s […]
EVer been to a market like the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle? Today’s farmer’s markets are descendants of ones like these. We saw some in our travels overseas years ago. Enjoy!
Somewhere out in the forest is a strange house, much like the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Do you dare open the door and go inside? Me? I’d knock on the door first to see if anyone was home, and if not, write a note then leave! Enjoy the puzzle!
Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Two birds walk into a bar. You’d think the second one would have seen it. OK, that’s the extent of my puns on this subject. As you can see, the picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle is a bit… Unusual. It’s a person with a bird head having a drink, bar […]
I found this image while looking for something special to do for today’s jigsaw puzzle. This is one of the best AI images I’ve come across in a while! Enjoy and please share!
Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I found the artwork in this “selfie with friends” to be well done! I think you’ll like it too! Enjoy!
You know what they say – don’t bet the farm! OK, today’s jigsaw puzzle is a nice painting of a farm. Enjoy!