I found this colorful image of a wolf to use for today’s jigsaw puzzle to be interesting. I may have to get it printed on a t-shirt! I hope you like it!
Wall flowers aren’t always a bad thing. For starters, they can make an old wall look nicer. They cheer up the place! They can beautify an otherwise empty space. They can even make nice jigsaw puzzles! Enjoy!
Back in the day, I used to walk along some abandoned train tracks on my way to the store. It was shorter than following the road. It was always quiet and I enjoyed being out in nature and getting lost in my thoughts along the way. The picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle reminded me of […]
She’s a pretty tiger and she’ll eat you if you don’t tell your friends to play her jigsaw puzzles! Roar!
Today we look back a few years to some old-style textile machines for our jigsaw puzzle. There used to be hundreds of textile shops, and many of them used the same machines for decades. I got to visit a textile factory in China years ago. The machines were very loud and the people working there […]
Today’s slightly tough jigsaw puzzle is a collection of paintings I thought you might enjoy! If you like the puzzles, please help my site grow and share with a friend or two. Thank you!
After some good feedback about yesterday’s jigsaw puzzle of a girl and her cat, I also received a request from Kat (I kid you not!) for something more abstract. I couldn’t resist doing an abstract cat for Kat. Yah, my sense of humor is a bit warped at times. Enjoy Kat’s cat!
I stopped at the local organic food grocery on my way home today and bought a good variety of vegetables for the next week. I figured that maybe such a collection would make a good jigsaw puzzle but wanted to give you more than one, so here we have a montage of four pictures in […]
The weather has been fairly nice these past few days, except for a couple of brief thunderstorms. If I had the time and inclination, I would go to the beach for a day or two. For now, though, I’ll have to settle going in my mind while I play today’s jigsaw puzzle of a scene […]
Happy Monday! I’m headed back to work after a nice weekend. Well, the weekend wasn’t that nice. Frankly, it was for the birds! You see, some birds built a nest in a tree in my yard and while that is never really a problem, this year they built it on a branch that overhangs my […]
It’s nice to be able to grow your own food at different times of the year. Owning a small green house helps. No, the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle isn’t ours. Our greenhouse is a tiny little thing. Just some plastic covering a wire frame. Still, a tiny one is better than not having one […]
I thought you might like to see the garden area my wife would like for us to have one day. Personally, I think there’s a few to many plants but only because I’d be the one to have to keep them trimmed back and water them all the time. What do you think? Enjoy today’s […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a still life picture out of some ancient mad scientists’ laboratory. You have some arcane books, candles, bottles of what must be magic potions, and some kind of cooker in the back. Add in the castle wall in back, and you have a full-on medieval lab rat concocting who knows […]
Eva told me how her granddaughter really likes fairies right now, and wanted me to do a jigsaw puzzle of fairies for her and her granddaughter to work together. I’m happy to oblige. Enjoy!
Imagine being out for a walk in the forest and finding an incredible tree like this one, and at just the right time of day for sunlight to light up the world behind it. Well, you don’t have to be out in the woods to find it. You just need to enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle […]
I was originally going to call today’s jigsaw puzzle “The Fisherman,” but for some reason it kept making me think about the story from Ernest Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea.” I still have the book from back in my school days. It’s in a box somewhere, but I know I still have it, […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a painting of young love from many years ago, perhaps the 1880’s in London. Enjoy!