dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 8
Little Kids – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Little kids come up with the darnedest things. Glasses from tinker toys, or a flower. A cardboard box turned into a spaceship (or a navy ship…) Well, one of these two kids has a birthday in a couple of days. If you know her, wish her a happy birthday for me. Wayne

Sights Of Kyoto – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(Yes, I will get back to the translation jigsaw puzzles.) I visited Kyoto while I was in Japan. It had lots of temples. I may have seen this one, but it’s been a while. When you learn about temples like this, and their history, you learn a bit about yourself as well. One thing I […]

Horses – Monday’s Free Jigsaw Puzzle

My favorite horse of all time was named Silver. Yes, I was a Lone Ranger fan as a kid. I even had my own Lone Ranger Six-Shooter Ring. I wanted my own horse, which I was going to call, of course, “Silver.” My parents never did get me one, though. I just couldn’t understand why […]

Water View – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

First, a quick thank you to those who wrote to say they liked yesterday’s puzzle. Your feedback is appreciated. OK, on to Sunday’s jigsaw puzzle. This walkway through the water reminds me of some trails I’ve hiked in a few other countries. Unlike here in the USA, there really aren’t any handrails to keep you […]

Summer Flower – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Summer is a time for flowers to grow. Some are tasty, while others simply smell good. Lily pointed out to me that she hadn’t seen a flower puzzle in several days, and the last one had a bug on it. Now what is wrong with bugs? Oh, they bite. Sorry, I forgot. Guess I’ll get […]

Catalan – Friday the 13th’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’m the first to admit that the Catalan language has nothing to do with Friday the 13th, parts 1 – 47, other than the fact the puzzle happened to land on Friday the 13th. Catalan is the only official language of Andorra, and is spoken in other places as well. The picture in today’s jigsaw […]

Bieszczady, Poland

Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle OK, I’m not quite back to the translation puzzles yet, but this jigsaw puzzle of Bieszczady, Poland was an extra one I found while looking for the picture for the Polish language. Since it makes a nice landscape jigsaw puzzle, well, here it is. It’s a little tougher than normal, so […]

A still Life – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The fine art jigsaw puzzle I ran two days ago turned out to be very popular. I received over a dozen e-mails thanking me for it. So I decided to do another one. Tuesday’s jigsaw puzzle is called “A Still Life of Pears, Peaches and Grapes” and is by Charles Collins who lived from 1680 […]

Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Green Flower

I picked this image for today’s jigsaw puzzle because I liked the little bug sitting on the green flower. We have a ton of butterflies in our garden this year, which made me realize that bugs and nature go together. I like nature, but I could do without most of the bugs. I got bug […]

Valdemar Atterdag holding Visby to ransom, 1361

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle From Wikipedia: Valdemar Atterdag holding Visby to ransom, 1361 is a historical painting (oil on canvas, signed in 1882) by the Swedish historical painter Carl Gustaf Hellqvist (1851 – 1890). The image depicts a type of taxation called “Fire Taxation” where if the people of the town don’t give enough money, […]

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzles – Jellyfish

I like fish, and I like peanut butter and jelly, but I don’t think I’d like a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich. I prefer strawberry jelly, and this looks like it would be orange. Not to mention a little stringy. In any case, Saturday’s daily jigsaw puzzle is brought to you by the letter “O” […]

Swedish – Friday’s Translation Language Jigsaw Puzzle

OK, you should know that Swedish is spoken in Sweden, not Switzerland. (Hey, I knew that. I just wanted to see if you knew the difference.) Sweden is the third largest country in the European Union. And Swiss watches are not made there.

Romanian Girl – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today our jigsaw puzzle voyage takes us to Romania, home of the vampires and gypsies! (Vlad III the Impaler was a Romanian General.) I figure once we learn a language, you will need someone to talk to. I’d like to talk to this lovely Romanian girl. Unless she’s a hungry vampire, that is.

Ladek Zdroj Housings in Poland

Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The next translation flag was for Hindi, (not Hindu) which is a language that covers parts of several different countries. I really couldn’t come up with a picture that suited it, so I skipped ahead to the flag for the Polish language. This image of some housings, or apartments as we […]

Onion – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I ran into Bob the other day. He was a little sad. I asked him what was wrong. Oh, nothing… he replied. Come on, Bob. You can tell me anything, I said. Well, Billie Sue (His girlfriend/cousin) took me to see this girl movie about a magical mailbox at the two dollar cinama. It was […]

Abandoned Farm in Finland

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Ranked number one “in the 2009 Legatum Prosperity rating, which is based on economical performance and quality of life” according to Wikipedia, Finland is a Nordic country in Northern Europe with a long history. Finland was largely farmland until the 1950’s and as such I found this photograph of an […]

Light And Motion – Sunday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I had a request for a surprise puzzle, so Sunday’s jigsaw puzzle is a mystery, or surprise puzzle. First, it’s a surprise that I got it done, the way my day has been going, and second, it’s a mystery as to who took my pudding. I fixed a bowl of pudding, and stepped outside to […]

Kolaches – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

“Kolaches are a traditional Czech danish.” – From the photographer, who didn’t give his name. OK, today’s translation flag is Danish, and I know, you can’t translate a pastry, but you can eat one. To be honest, I couldn’t find a good picture to use to illustrate Denmark, but these looked good anyway. I didn’t […]

Croatian Flag – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

With all the translation puzzles, and the flags and things, Bob asked why I don’t do a flag. Well, today’s puzzle is the flag from Croatia, a very old place. They have found Fossils of Neanderthals there, and there are many historical sites that are favorites of tourists there too. OK, to change the subject […]

Tomatoes – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

So, what country is represented by today’s jigsaw puzzle? Uh, none, actually. I took a country day off. I would, however, like to find out where you get tomato plants that grow like these. Enjoy! I have to go make my wife a ‘Mater sandwich.

Karlstejn Castle – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Karlštejn Castle is located in the Czech Republic. It’s today’s jigsaw puzzle because the language translation flag of the day (located at the top of the page, for those who are new here) is Czech. I like it because it is Gothic in nature, and because it, and many parts of Prague have been in […]