dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 7
Fruit Stall In Barcelona Market

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle This image of a fruit stall, located in Barcelona, Spain, was taken by a person that goes by the name of Daderot. I don’t know if that is a first name or a last name, but in any case, the image makes for a challenging jigsaw puzzle. As you can […]

Youth Soccer – The Goal Keeper

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle The photograph in today’s jigsaw puzzle is by Torsten Bolten We have a ton of youth soccer leagues around our area. It is becoming a very popular sport. In my youth, it was flag football. In a few years, I’m sure the game of choice will be Pyramid.

Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Concorde Cockpit

I never got to fly in the Concorde, although I know someone who did. In it’s time, it was the fastest commercial airplane around. I would never know what to do with all the buttons and dials and things. They are, within themselves, a bit of a puzzle. I wonder which one ran the coffee […]

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande-Jatte

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle It’s time for another fine art jigsaw puzzle, and this one is by Georges Seurat called “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande-Jatte”. It dates to 1884-1886.

Seller Of Potions – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

This guy looks like he is selling snake oil. (Hey, they get oil from fish, so why not snakes?) In the old old days, people would often set up on the side of a street to sell things, including potions guaranteed to fix about anything. I wonder if I can get one to fix Mondays?

Bundestag – Rotating Pieces for Friday’s Puzzle

The German Bundestag is the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. With all the law shows on TV these days, I thought it would make a good subject, as well as one a little different. I liked the circular seating, so of course I had to make the pieces in today’s jigsaw puzzle rotate.

Youth – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Youth is wasted on the young. OK, everyone who just nodded their heads in agreement, smile! I took my kids to the zoo when they were young, and like the little girl in Thursday’s jigsaw puzzle, they were both fascinated and slightly frightened by the pigeons in the parking lot. I wanted to show them […]

Fresh Veggies – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately. And yes, I know some of the items in today’s jigsaw puzzles are actually fruits, not vegetables, but it’s all a type of vegetation. Trust me, no flying monkeys were harmed while making this puzzle. Anyway, I’m eating more vegetables now, and while I haven’t cut back on […]

The Lucky Dogs – Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

The painting in today’s jigsaw puzzle is called ‘The Lucky Dogs’ and is by Richard Ansdell. He was a prolific English oil painter, and many of his paintings remain unknown. Every so often, another painting by him will be discovered in someone’s family collection.

Homeless Portraiture – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I had an appointment at the VA on Friday, and while I was there, I saw what appeared to be a homeless man walk into the hospital. When I got to the check in, he was there already in line, waiting to be seen. Looking around, I realized that more than a few of the […]

Sherbrooke Forest – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(New Animated Jigsaw Puzzle on page 19 of the Animated section) We live near the Greenway, a paved path that winds its way around the city, with large parts passing through the woods. (Continued below the puzzle) I’ve been on some hikes through some major woods, and spent a few nights camping out. Sherbrooke Forest […]

Light In Motion – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I like Ferris wheels which have nothing to do with Ferris Bueller or his day off. So quick and dirty, Saturday’s jigsaw puzzle is a night shot of a Ferris wheel. The tallest one I ever rode was in Yokohama, Japan, at the Yokohama Exposition. That’s all I have to say about that.

Temple in Kochi – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Kochi (Gesundheit!) is the capital city of Kochi prefecture in Japan. It’s another place I got to play tourist at, and I found the people to be mostly friendly. A couple of friends and I ended up in a Karaoke bar, where I proved, once and for all, and without a shadow of a doubt, […]

Vincent van Gogh’s “The Bedroom”

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Vincent van Gogh painted The Bedroom in 1889. As an old fine art painting, it is also a great jigsaw puzzle. Just working the hard version of this puzzle made me sleepy, so I think I’m going to retire to my bedroom. Someone be sure to wake me in time for […]

Lotus – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

We don’t use Outlook at work, we use Lotus. Lotus Notes, to be exact. I’m still trying to puzzle the thing out. There are strange ways of doing your e-mail with Lotus. Don’t ask what that has to do with today’s jigsaw puzzle, which is, of course, a lotus flower. I think it’s because of […]

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Corn On Stalks

Today’s Jigsaw Puzzle is brought to you by the letter “C” which stands for ‘Corny’ as in this writeup is getting a little corny. OK, bad pun (as if there are any good ones…) I bought some fresh corn at the farmer’s market today. It was quite good. I’m sure it would have been even […]

Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery

Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle (The latest Animated jigsaw puzzle is obviously popular. It’s been downloaded over 8,000 times in two days. Check it out if you haven’t yet. Page 18 of the Animated Jigsaw Puzzles section.) It’s a Monday, and no matter how much you are expecting it, Monday’s are always a surprise. So today’s […]

Old Boats – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(Did you try the new Animated jigsaw puzzle, located on page 18 of the Animated Puzzles section yet? It’s great if you have the time) I visited an old clipper ship years ago. It was in good condition, and the construction used was simply amazing, considering the technology of the time. The below decks area […]

Brasov Romania – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(Note: Sorry this is late. I had a little glitch that kept me from uploading the puzzles last night caused by my ISP. It’s fixed.) There is a new Animated jigsaw puzzle, located on page 18 of the Animated Puzzles section. Now for today’s regularly scheduled jigsaw puzzle. Town squares are often meeting places for […]

Rooster Cogburn – Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

It takes a lot of True Grit to name a chicken “Rooster,” especially if it’s of the Cogburn variety. These one-eyed tough as nails roosters could run little Kim Darby and her horse ragged. Yep, some Rindstone cowboy would do good to steer clear of a rooster that could marshal up the kind of courage […]

Wired! – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’m a little wired right now, because of the desert I just ate. I’m sure the sugar has a lot to do with it, but since I’m wired, I thought that today’s jigsaw puzzle should be wired too. Here’s a suggestion – don’t use the preview picture to look too closely before you do the […]