dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 6
Summer Feet – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Summer is almost gone. Today it only got up to about 78 degrees. It was still plenty warm to go outside and enjoy the weather. It was a good barefoot day, or you could at least wear sandals like the girl in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Speaking of which, today I have included an extra version […]

Nemo – Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I was trying to find a good picture to use for Tuesday’s jigsaw puzzle when I found a picture of a Nemo, also known as a clown fish. I saw a hard copy jigsaw puzzle of the movie Nemo at a store not too long ago. It was designed for small kids, though. Only 24 […]

Lau Pa Sat, Singapore

Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle Lau Pa Sat is the colloquial name of Telok Ayer Market, a historical building, and it means “old market.” The building has been replaced several times over the years. It currently serves as a food center, and on weekends live bands play on the stage located in the center of the market. […]

Twist in a Japanese Garden – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I plan on having my own Japanese garden one day, much like the one’s I enjoyed when I lived in Japan. They are nice, peaceful, and can be rewarding. This tree twists in some strange ways, and makes for a challenging jigsaw puzzle.

Torley on Piano – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle.

I was talking with Bob about the painting in today’s jigsaw puzzle. I liked it because I used to own a 9′ 7″ Webber Concert Grand Piano many years ago. (I was a piano technician at the time.) I told Bob I used to play on a piano like that. “Really?” he asked. “Yes, I […]

Beams – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Beams, as in “Beam me up Scottie.” Beams, as in “Beams of light” or “Sunbeams.” (When I was little, I thought people were talking about ‘Sun Beans.’) In today’s jigsaw puzzle, the beams are beams of wood, out in the sun drying, soon to built into something useful, such as a log cabin. Or they […]

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Water Slide Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a little on the tough side. Sort of like going down these water slides in your shorts, when the water is turned off and it’s 96 degrees outside at noon. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Bob and Sue wanted to go to the water park but were afraid they […]

Chinatown by Night – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

This view of a Chinatown is in Singapore. I was lucky enough to visit it years ago. During the day, it is busy with people going about their business, shopping, working, or just being tourists. At night, it transforms. Restaurants appear all over the place, and there is always something going on in the streets. […]

Smashed Building – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Hulk Smash! Grrrrrr! After the Monday I’ve had, I feel like smashing something. I got a call from Bob’s wife, who was trying to work a jigsaw puzzle of a tiger, and couldn’t seem to get anywhere with it, so I drove 30 miles to see if I could help her. Yup, you guessed it. […]

The Banquet – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

What better way to start your week than with a nice banquet and a nice jigsaw puzzle. This beautiful painting is by Faith Goble and has a somewhat strange poem to go along with it. Enjoy the puzzle, and I’m off to find some fruit for breakfast.

Reflecting on the Change of Seasons

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle This strange image is actually a reflection in a puddle. That’s why trees seem to be growing upside down at the bottom of the puzzle. The way it looks almost makes it into an abstract jigsaw puzzle. It certainly gave me something to reflect upon, especially at 234 pieces.

Kurdistan – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Taking a slightly different approach, Saturday’s jigsaw puzzle is a painting of a young mother and child from Kurdistan. There is not an actual country called Kurdistan, but instead it is a geo-cultural area where the Kurds form the majority of the population. It overlaps into several countries. This portrait is beautifully done and makes […]

The Runners

Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle The people in today’s jigsaw puzzle are running towards a goal – to win! In a way we are all running towards our goals. Some just run faster than others. Some run backwards. Me? It’s more like a fast walk, but I’m getting there. My next goal is to get to the […]


Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle Ooooo! Shiny! It’s good to reflect on things, unless it’s a mirror that you dropped. I liked the way the building reflected in the water in today’s jigsaw puzzle. It gave it an extra bit of a challenge. (Speaking of things to reflect on, did you notice the 2009 Archives CD’s are […]

Aloe – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

You can find aloe in just about anything these days. Aloe hand cream, juice, lotion, paint, soap, alternative medicines and even shampoo. You can even find it in a jigsaw puzzle. (Too much?) I think it makes a dandy house plant. (Just be glad I didn’t rotate the pieces in today’s jigsaw puzzle!) Oh, this […]

The Camera – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I believe the image in today’s jigsaw puzzle is from a pinball machine. It’s a little dark, but that makes it more fun to play. Smile for the camera!

Ricketts Glen State Park – Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Quick note – I just published two new Mystery Jigsaw puzzles on the blog. The link is over on the right side of the page. Second quick note – the 2009 Archives CD’s are now on sale for 20% off (I have a car payment due soon, so help me out and save some money […]

A Spooky Rendezvous

Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Something about being out alone at night, in a place like this, strikes me as being both peaceful and spooky at the same time. Imagine you are out for a late night walk because you can’t sleep. You are tired, but need to clear your head before bed. You are alone, […]

The Golden Road – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Even a dirt path can be considered a golden road, in the right place and circumstances. This one in Saturday’s jigsaw puzzle is located in Romania. I’ve lived on dirt roads before. Well, in a house located in a yard next to a dirt road, that is. Living on a dirt road itself would be […]

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Living Statues When I think of living statues, I think of evil statues that come to life and try to eat people’s brains like a cheap zombie movie. Surprisingly, Friday’s jigsaw puzzle isn’t like that at all. No one’s brains get eaten. Today’s puzzle is a surprise puzzle, meaning you don’t get a preview picture. […]

Mexican Souvenirs Revisited

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Back around the first of July I gave you a jigsaw puzzle featuring some Mexican souvenirs. Today I have some more. These are a bit more elaborate than the ones in the earlier jigsaw puzzle. (Hey, I had fun when I visited Mexico some years back.) Enjoy!