dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 2
Hidden Christmas – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle contains several puzzles in the image itself. From Anne, who created the image: There are three puzzles in this image: 1. What do the letters spell? 2. What is the sum of the tombola pieces? 3. Which side lost the chess game? (hint: the answer isn’t on the board) Thank you Anne, […]

Christmas House – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Some of the houses in the neighborhood are getting done up nicely for the holidays. Me? I swapped out the bug light on the front porch with a green bulb. Ho ho ho. Anyway, today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a decorated house. Enjoy!

Mother and Daughter – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

This photograph is by Böhringer Friedrich. His comments about the costumes worn in the picture: “The characteristics of the female costume Bregenzerwald are: the silver buckle, the “Bleotz” chest part, which is elaborately embroidered with gold silver is in the “Keadoro”, an elaborately embroidered gold silver decorative stripes on the back and the different hats.” […]

Bobbio, Italy

Tuesday’s Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle It’s been a while since I did a Mystery jigsaw puzzle, so I picked a place far, far away. Bobbio, Italy. Bobbio is a coveted tourist destination known for its art and culture of years past. The Abbey there was used in the story “The Name Of The Rose” which was […]

Monday’s Extra Tough Jigsaw Puzzle – Tajine

Tangerine? Bob asked? No, Tajine! I replied. Oh, like that thing people without talent play on stage in the ninth grade? No, Bob. That’s a tambourine. I replied. Tajine. It’s a dish from Morroco. Well, Bob asked, What does it taste like? At that point I decided to refer him to the Moroccan Tajine page, […]

At The Edge Of The Brook

Sunday’s Jigsaw Puzzle This painting, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, is of a young lady sitting by a brook, with flowers in her hair. The amazing thing about this painting is that it looks like a photograph. His paintings are well known for their photo-realism. He did a wide range of subjects, and is one of my […]

Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – Old Cabin

Out in the woods somewhere, away from civilization, is an old, small cabin with stone walls and a chimney. The nearest neighbor is a mile away, and a hand pump out back has replaced the well and bucket on a rope that was previously used for water. Sometimes deer come right up to the door […]

Central Pier 9, Hong Kong

Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Having visited Hong Kong a number of times, I know the nice, quiet view you get from one of these piers late at night while waiting on a boat to take you to wherever you are going. In my case, it was back to the ship I was stationed on. Hong […]

Campfire Cooking – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Cooking on a campfire can be fun, and it can be challenging. Ever try to cook oatmeal over an open fire? It just doesn’t work. I thought this would make a hot jigsaw puzzle. Bad pun. OK, I’ll shut up now so you can play the puzzle.

Snow Crystals – Wednesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

OK, it’s cold outside. Very cold. We had a bit of snow the other day. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a false color microscopic picture of some snow crystals. It’s a little tough, but well worth the effort. Oh, today’s word search puzzle over at WordSearchADay.com is all the languages from the flags at the top […]

Benjamin Franklin – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Ben Franklin is the subject of today’s jigsaw puzzle. I thought of him while looking at a Franklin stove. Let me go ahead and apologize now as the picture is a little dark in places. I think it was painted back in the dark ages, before electricity was invented. Ben obviously had this one done […]

Piggy and Friends – Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Piggy has the right idea – Snuggle up to some pure bred Zwartbles and take a nap. Zwartbles are black sheep with white faces, white socks and a white tail. These are in northern Ireland. The wool helps keep everyone warm. Special thanks to Judy M. for sending me this photograph for today’s jigsaw puzzle. […]

Three Chicks – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I found this great photograph for today’s jigsaw puzzle of three Great Egret chicks on Wikimedia Commons. It’s by Mike Baird. The nest is located in the Morro Bay Heron Rookery at Fairbanks Point, Morro Bay, CA. Tweet tweet!

Lake Fulmor – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

(Whoops! Stupid me put the wrong date down for this puzzle to publish itself. Sorry it’s late.) Lake Fulmor is a wonderful place to go fishing and spend a weekend at. It is located in the Black Mountain Scenic area in Idyllwild, California. While it isn’t very big, there is plenty to do. Did I […]

Tree – Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I know the economy has been tough this past year, but this is a little ridiculous. The tree in today’s jigsaw puzzle used to belong to the Keebler elves… Actually, this is the Kalaloch Cedar tree, located off of Highway 101 in Olympic National Park. It is supposed to be the world’s largest western red […]

Birdhouses – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

We have a pet bird. She doesn’t live in a birdhouse, but in a cage. Yes, she comes out once in a while. She knows how to open the door of her cage, and she likes to torture the cats. Cats can’t fly. She doesn’t fly that well either, but she can get by. Someone […]

Angel – Wednesday’s Jig Saw Puzzle

I drove past a cemetery this weekend, one I hadn’t seen before. I found some of the monuments there to be interesting. They each have their history, and tell a story about not only the person buried there, but the people that loved them. They run from a simple headstone to elaborate statues. This one […]

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Flower Bottle

When I hear of a flower bottle, I think of something being used as a vase. This interesting drawing (I think it’s a drawing!) shows a different kind of flower bottle. I think you are supposed to drink from the bottle while admiring the flower and working the jigsaw puzzles. It sure would make working […]

Summer Dinner – Monday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s a bit of wishful thinking, the subject of today’s jigsaw puzzle. We just had our first snow of the year, so it was cold. For me, even more so. I was digging in the dirt all day to fix a broken water pipe. A nice salad, some bread, cold cuts, some veggies, and warm […]

Zlatograd, Bulgaria

Zlatograd, Bulgaria Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle There are a lot of nice places to visit in Europe, and with any luck, I will get to go there someday. One such place is a quaint little town called Zlatograd, located in Bulgaria. I looked at some real estate for sale in the area (online, of […]

Cotton Candy – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

That wine from yesterday gave me a sweet tooth, and since there was a carnival in town, I went for some cotton candy. Cotton candy is puzzling. It’s about 99.9% sugar and .1% food coloring, and a full size stick of it uses about a tablespoon of actual sugar, yet it still can fill you […]