dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" Daily Puzzles | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 11
Olives – Sunday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Shaken, not stirred, I said. Yes sir. One olive or two, sir? he asked. One, I replied while slightly adjusting my bow tie. Looking in the mirror behind the bartender’s head, I spotted HER approaching. A brief shudder of fear went through my body like an electric shock, but I gave no outward sign. I […]

Utopia – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I found this great vector drawing by Pawel Ochota called “Utopia.” It sort of reminds me of one of the Myst games, or even scenes from Avatar. It also makes a great jigsaw puzzle for kids of all ages and sizes. So I put in four extra versions for kids, ranging from six to 40 […]

Red Tulips for Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I don’t have much to say about Friday’s jigsaw puzzle, except that if I could somehow do a ‘scratch & sniff’ puzzle on the computer, I would. It would smell like pizza. (Hey, if I wanted to smell tulips, I’d go to my neighbor’s flower garden.)

Village On A Lake

Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle My family used to go to a lake and stay at a house my grandfather owned when I was a young kid. Since then, I’ve liked places like the village on the lake in today’s jigsaw puzzle. Small, quiet, nice views. You can go for a nice walk or catch some fish, […]