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Historical Scribe – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features what appears to be a scribe from olden days contemplating going back to work. Maybe he’s just taking a break, or wishing TV or computers had been invented already. Enjoy!

Mandala – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I ran across this image of a mandala while searching for a picture for a jigsaw puzzle and figured it would make a good puzzle itself. Enjoy!

Owl Mural – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles

Here’s a mural of some owls for today’s jigsaw puzzles. Enjoy!

Seeing Stars – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

(Publishing this a bit early just because of possible server maintenance tonight from my web host.) Bob said he went out to Hollywood because he figured, with all the bight lights, he’d be able to see some stars there, but he didn’t see a single one. He asked me to see if I could find […]

In the Woods – Monday’s Relaxing Daily Jigsaw Puzzle.

I used to go out into the woods when I was younger. I had my favorite places I would like to sit and read. I would explore, climb trees, and occasionally swim. Sadly, those woods no longer exist, but someday I hope to own a big enough piece of land to have woods on it […]

The Stream – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a nice little stream complete with a park bench to sit on and a bridge to use to get across it. This seems like it might be a nice place to take quiet walks as well as to sit and enjoy nature or read a good book for a while. You […]

No puzzle for Thursday

Sorry folks. I’m in the hospital for some tests, so no puzzles for Thursday. I’ll make up for it when I get out. Wayne

Trinkets – Saturday’s Shopping Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

While out doing some holiday shopping, I saw a display of trinkets, and figured they would be good stocking stuffers. Well, that and some fancy chocolates. Enjoy!

You Can Get Anything You Want, At Alice’s Restaurant

Friday’s Slightly Late Jigsaw Puzzle OK, I made a boo-boo. I put the wrong date in for today’s puzzle to publish, and discovered it when I dragged myself out of the bed and checked my e-mail. Thank you to everyone who let me know. I promise I will get rid of that 1987 calender hanging […]

Old Town In Cesky – Saturday’s Super Late Jigsaw Puzzle

I apologize for Saturday’s jigsaw puzzles being so late. There is a problem with a router on the Internet that my traffic goes through to reach my server that is having problems. The issue is that I can’t upload anything faster than an old 300 baud modem. (Remember dial up modems?) I have isolated the […]

Hut In Hawaii – Friday’s Vacation Jigsaw Puzzle

My friends Brenda and Thomas went to Hawaii for vacation a couple of years ago, and they shared some pictures they took with me. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is one of them. It is of a small hut in a park. The little yellow sign says “Warning. Flash flooding could occur at any time.” They do […]

Lane Separators – Monday’s Online Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

With winter finally over (except for the mild snowstorm that will be here in the next week or so) it’s time for some summer fun. Swimming is always fun, unless the water is really cold. Actually, you can burn more calories just floating in cold water than you can jogging. Calories are a measure of […]

Sparkling Wine – Saturday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Honey, where did we leave the bottle of wine? I’m not sure. Check the living room. she replied. I did, I said. It’s not there. Did you check out by the pool? she asked. We don’t have a pool! Oops, she said. I must have been thinking about the wine I had with Bob the […]

The Nut Gatherers – Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

By William-Adolphe Bouguereau It’s time for another classical painting for our daily jigsaw puzzle, and again, this one is by one of my favorite artists, William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Two young girls out in the woods gathering nuts, and it was completed in 1882. Once again, there is an extreme version, where the pieces rotate. Make sure […]

Student’s Room – Wednesday’s Fictional Jigsaw Puzzle

I like reading fiction, but I wonder who came up with this student’s room. It’s too clean – a real work of fiction. In the real world, it would look like the the local dump about ten minutes after a teenager moved in. I should know, I’ve raised a whole herd of them. Sigh. If […]

Friday’s Jigsaw Puzzle – German House

I had a hard time figuring out what picture to use for today’s jigsaw puzzle. The fact that it’s New Year’s Eve didn’t help any. I thought about doing something with “2011” in it, but I’ve done those kinds several times on New Year’s eve already. In fact, last year’s was a chalkboard on a […]

Curious Chipmunk – Thursday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Meet Chipbert. He’s a curious chipmunk. He lives in a tree, and works in the forest gathering nuts. He likes shiny objects, like the camera. I think he’s part pig because of the way he eats and the way he hams it up for the camera. He makes a better jigsaw puzzle than a jigsaw […]

Starburst Piano – Double Puzzles For Wednesday

Just because I felt like it, for Wednesday we have two jigsaw puzzles for your entertainment and aggravation needs. The first is a kind of abstract starburst, and the second is a close up of the insides of a piano. I liked the starburst because it was pretty, and for the piano, well, in my […]

Sarah – Tuesday’s Jigsaw Puzzle

I knew a girl named Sarah once, years ago when I was in college. Like the Sarah of this picture, she was blond and pretty. Her father ran the local Radio Shack. The big topic we had in our discussions was the latest calculators. Yup, back in the stone age. I decided to make this […]

Narrow Rural Lane

Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I once got lost in a small town overseas. I was walking around playing tourist, when I realized it was time to get back to the ship. The problem was, the lanes were small and twisted in places like a pretzel. I was lost! One lane looked a lot like […]

Santa Rides Again – Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle

Here in the USA for many of us, along with people in other countries, it’s Christmas Day. Christmas has different meanings for different people. For me, it is a time to reflect and remember, and to hope for peace throughout the world. What does Christmas mean to you?