dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" 2025 | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 3
Temple – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve run a few jigsaw puzzles of ancient temples in the past, but this one is fairly modern. It looks very nice! Enjoy!

Beetle Camper – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I used to own a VW Fastback. Similar to a VW Beetle but the back sloped down more. I never thought about doing a conversion so I could use it for camping, and I have to admit, this is a genius idea! Anyway, I wanted to do something outdoors and unusual for today’s jigsaw puzzle, […]

Artistic Duck! Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Margaret in Florida said she wanted a jigsaw puzzle with a duck in it. Maybe a painting or something fancy with a duck. She likes feeding the ducks that live in the pond behind her house. Margaret, I hope this one will do! (Notice I didn’t do any quack-quack jokes?) Enjoy!

Flowers – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I have an old, old vase much like the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle. I found it at a flea market years ago. We kept flowers in it from time to time until it got a tiny crack and started leaking water. It has since been repaired but we prefered to keep it dry rather […]

A Little Girl and Her Horse

Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle! Today’s jigsaw puzzle kinda reminds me of older, antique style jigsaw puzzles. It features a little girl and her toy horse along with some birds and other things. Enjoy!

Stadium – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle!

With football season here, I figured it was time to run a jigsaw puzzle of a football stadium. Hike! Touchdown! Enjoy!

Down Home On The Farm

Saturday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle! Today we go back down home on the farm to a picture of a young lady in a nice dress and her cat. There’s a field of grain growing around her and an old farm house in the background, and some flowers in a basket. I hope you like this one!

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles – Fruit!

I’m back on my healthy food kick again. Lots of fruit and more vegetables. Yum! For today’s jigsaw puzzle we not only have a variety of different fruits, we have butterflies too! Enjoy and please share!

Swirls – Thursday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Just to be different, here’s a jigsaw puzzle featuring some abstract swirls, curves, or whatever you call these. Enjoy!

The Kiss – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Now here’s a picture that would make a good book cover. All it needs is a couple of flying dragons or maybe a giant spaceship in the background. I know a woman who writes fantasy/romance books and the characters always have either some kind of magic or advanced technology. Anyway, I thought about her when […]

Let’s Ride The Carousel! – Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today we jump back to a period when the weather was a bit warmer and we got to ride the carousel when we were kids. Well, sort of. Woodie from Toy Story didn’t exist back then, nor did the tow truck from Cars. At least we had horses, though! Here’s your jigsaw puzzle! Enjoy!

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Winter’s Cabin We actually got a bit of winter weather today. A small amount of ice on the cars and at least three snowflakes that didn’t last but a second or two on the ground. It’s weather like this that makes me wish I had a well-stocked, nice cozy cabin in the woods like the […]

Painting of a Ship In A Storm – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzles

I found this unusual take of a painting of a ship in a storm to be interesting and thought it was a good pick for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy and please share!

A Young Girl, A Book, And Her Cat

Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles I’m a big advocate for encouraging kids to read books and to have pets. They are both good for each other. It looks like she has a good place to read in the garden. I hope you like today’s jigsaw puzzle!

The Old Home Library

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles My grandfather had a home library that looked a lot like the one in today’s jigsaw puzzle. I don’t remember him putting books in the fireplace, though. Those chairs were very comfortable, as I recall. He also had a desk in the same room on the opposite side of the […]

City On The River – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features an aerial photograph of a medium sized city on the banks of a river. It looks like a nice place to live. Enjoy!

Happy New Year! – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s time to kick off a whole new year, and here’s hoping for a good one! Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle!