dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" 2021 | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 2
Painted Flowers – Sunday’s Artistic Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Once more we go back to the flower garden to pick something nice for a jigsaw puzzle. In this case, the flowers are painted and very nicely at that! That reminds me, I probably need to go buy some flowers for my wife. No reason. Nope. I didn’t do anything stupid to apologize for… This […]

Holiday Market – Saturday’s Shopping Jigsaw Puzzle

The holiday spirit got me for a few minutes – and I really hate going shopping – so I figured I pay a visit to an outdoor shopping area. In this case, it looks like a fun place to visit. You have rides to ride, food to sample, gifts you can buy, and it’s also […]

Strange Abstract Lion – Friday’s Freaky Jigsaw Puzzle

I found the slightly strange abstract picture of a lion and though to myself about the people that would enjoy it as a jigsaw puzzle. (That’s you, Sandy in South Florida!) I’m hoping everyone else will enjoy it just as much. I know I had fun playing it! Enjoy!

Safari Lodge Dining Room – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features the dining room of a lodge for tourists going on safari. No, they don’t actually hunt the animals. It’s for seeing the animals in their native habitat. You get to ride in air conditioned vehicles and can take photographs and pose with some of the animals in the background. I’d like […]

The Couple In Red – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The couple in today’s jigsaw puzzle looks a bit like Anime characters, but still somewhat different. More artistic, I think. For some reason, they remind me of Japan or maybe China, but I can’t quite put my finger on the reason why… Of course, I’m just kidding. I just wanted to use this picture because […]

Captive Angel

Tuesday’s Fantasy Jigsaw Puzzle I’ve had the picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle for a while, and I’ve often wondered what kind of story could be written from it. I’m sure it would be some kind of fantasy novel, and the angel was captured by the bad guys. It would have all kinds of plot twists […]

A Shop In Aleppo, Syria

Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and has nearly two million residents living there. It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Center. I’ve used images from there before and having read some of it’s history, I find it a fascinating place. Unfortunately, it isn’t save to […]

The Dogs Of Winter – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Winter is coming. At least in Hawaii, that is. 🙂 OK, I had a request for a winter jigsaw puzzle as well as one for dogs and found this picture of dogs in winter with a sled to use. That worked out pretty well, I think. Enjoy, arf arf!

Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The Factory Today we take a look inside a factory. I think it makes power or smoke, or maybe even water! I’m not really sure, but there are a lot of pipes here. I see what may be some sort of blue smokestack on one side, or it could be an evaporation tower. I also […]

The Garden Shed – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Reba was telling me about her new garden shed and how proud she was about it. She designed it herself and had it delivered unpainted so she could paint it just the way she wanted. It sounds impressive! I know if I had something like that, I would make sure it had a big-screen TV […]

Beautiful Flowers – Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, flowers are my most popular category of jigsaw puzzles. I had three separate requests for flowers this week, and today while I write this it is only Wednesday! Now granted, there were flowers in yesterday’s fashion shoot jigsaw puzzle, but they weren’t the main focus. Everyone […]

High Fashion – Wednesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Straight from the photography studio, we have the latest in high fashion for today’s jigsaw puzzle. We have not only the pretty lady in a nice dress and painted toenails, we have pink flamingos – plastic, of course, and flowers, jewelry, candles, desert and a fancy background. Oh, and some furniture including a table with […]

The Masks We Wear

Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle We all wear masks, often changing them throughout the day according to what you are doing or who you are with. You change masks when it’s raining, and again when it is sunny. You change it when you are stuck in line or in traffic. You change it when you go […]

Color Spiral – Monday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

When I was a kid, we had this paint toy where you put a piece of paper in it and it spun around while you dribbled paint onto the paper, creating spiral like patterns. It was great fun until I dropped a still wet piece of paper and, like buttered toast, it landed wet side […]

The Living Room – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

When I was a kid I wasn’t really allowed into the living room that much. I could walk through it on the way to the back, but I couldn’t sit on the nice sofa. There were nice chairs there too, and I couldn’t sit on them either. I did get to sit at the piano […]

Visit To The Mountains

Saturday’s Distant Hills Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle includes a visit to some really strange looking mountains. It’s actually called Rainbow Mountain and it’s located in Zhangye Shi, Gansu Province, China. It looks like an incredible place to visit and makes for a great jigsaw puzzle! Enjoy!

Hermann Scherer – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I must admit, I had no clue who the Swiss German Expressionist painter and sculptor Hermann Scherer was until I looked him up on Wikipedia. Art student Amy suggested I do a jigsaw puzzle of Hermann Scherer, and of course, I had to look around to find a picture of him I could use. Enjoy […]

A Horse And Her Little Girl

Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Would this be a puzzle of a horse and her little girl, or a little girl and her horse? Either way, I’m not entirely sure that’s not Little Red Riding Hood on the horse. After all, she’s riding the horse and wearing, you know. No, it’s not a visual pun or […]

A Small Town Mystery

Wednesday’s Surprise Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Small towns always have a mystery to them, and the small town in today’s jigsaw puzzle is no exception. In fact, the whole jigsaw puzzle is a mystery. No hints or clues beyond the title. (Speaking of small town mysteries, you should check out the Small Town Mystery series by […]


Tuesday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today we return to the Biodiversity Library for another great picture of butterflies for our jigsaw puzzle. An hour of two of editing the picture, enhancing the colors and bringing it up to date with a great background (instead of yellowed paper) and I think we have a winner! Here’s a […]

A Visit To The Malt Shop

Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Stepping back in time a bit, today we go visit a malt shop for today’s jigsaw puzzle. More than just a place to get a drink, you also went to hang out and socialize with friends. After all, back then they didn’t have cell phones like we do today. You […]