dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" 2016 | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay
Day Off

Folks, I apologize, but I must take a day off. I got rear-ended this morning and I’m mostly OK, but I’m sore and my back started hurting this afternoon, so I went to the doctor who prescribed meds that are hitting me harder than I thought, so I’m going to bed. I’d probably mess up […]

Brooms and Brides – Sunday’s Sweeping Daily Jigsaw Puzzles

OK, today I have a nice puzzle of some colorful brooms, and simply because they both start with the letter “B,” I have a Bonus jigsaw puzzle of a Bride. Here’s the thing, though. If you want to play the bonus puzzle, you’ll have to go to my Facebook page to get it. Don’t worry, […]

Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle – Bears!

Tyler asked me for a puzzle for his young son to play, and I thought about how all kids like bears. That lead me to this jigsaw puzzle, which also comes in big kid sizes, too! Enjoy!

Strange Art – Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The picture in today’s jigsaw puzzle is actually a bit of graffiti as you can tell from the scratch marks. It was different and it cleaned up nicely so I think you’ll enjoy it. Don’t forget to share!

Pretty Bird

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle For some reason jigsaw puzzles of wild birds seem to be very popular. The hummingbird puzzle I posted a short time ago turned out to be the third most downloaded puzzle in the past year. Anyway, I decided I liked the pretty bird in today’s puzzle, and decided I would […]

Umbrellas – Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

A few weeks ago I ran a jigsaw puzzle of some umbrellas. It was pretty popular, and I’ve had several requests for more like it. I’m happy to oblige with this one. Enjoy, and please share!  

Stuffed Animals – Saturday’s Snowy Day Jigsaw Puzzle

It snowed last night. I’m a bit house-bound right now and have no plans to go anywhere. That will just give me more time to create some nice jigsaw puzzles, such as today’s which features stuffed animal toys. Unless we lose power, that is. Enjoy!  

“Beans, Beans, Beans! Good Old Navy Beans”

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Yesterday’s extra tough jigsaw puzzle is running about 80% positive comments so I’m happy. Then there was the person that really, really didn’t like it and said I didn’t know beans about how to make a jigsaw puzzle. Well, I take my inspiration from where I can get it so […]

Pipe Dreams – Thursday’s Nightmare Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s puzzle is a bit of a nightmare. It’s tough! There’s a reason for that. Edward challenged me to make a jigsaw puzzle he couldn’t finish in under an hour that didn’t have an excessive number of pieces. Challenge accepted! Good luck to all. Oh, the pieces rotate! (Just kidding! They don’t rotate. That would […]

Landscape – Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Barb asked for a jigsaw puzzle of a landscape. I also thought something to do with the ocean would be nice, too. I hope you enjoy the result.  

You Don’t Bring Me Artificial Flowers, Anymore

Tuesday’s Back To Work Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Well, my vacation is over, so today I head back to work. I took this photograph of some artificial flowers while on vacation and turned them into a jigsaw puzzle. I had to crop the picture because my finger got in the way. Enjoy!  

Pink Sofa – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

At the antique store I was at last week I saw a really pink sofa. I turned it into today’s jigsaw puzzle. The picture doesn’t really do this sofa justice. I mean this thing was really, really bright pink. The metal studs on the arms make it kind of hard to rest your own arm […]

Goose – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I was at an antique store earlier this week and saw this wonderful statue of a goose. If I had an extra three hundred bucks to spare, this goose would have gone home with me. For now I’ll just have to settle for making a really great jigsaw puzzle out of it. Enjoy!  

New Year’s Eve Party – Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s New Year’s Eve, and we’re having a party! OK, actually we’re going to a party. Well, OK. We’re watching a party on TV. Not really. We’re probably going to bed before the ball drops. In any case, I thought today’s jigsaw puzzle would put you in the mood for a new year! Enjoy!  

Spring Like Weather – Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

The weather here has been almost spring-like. It was 72 degrees the day before yesterday, and yesterday it was nearly 70. I was able to get some work done out in the yard without having to wear a coat. Anyway, the weather made me think of this picture and I decided to turn it into […]

Tiger – Thursday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I just wanted to do a slightly different jigsaw puzzle of a tiger. This one is a view from behind. Enjoy and please share!  

Barcelona, Spain

Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle I was once within two hundred miles of Barcelona, Spain. My ship pulled into Mallorca, which is one of Spain’s Balearic Islands. It was pretty fantastic. I had wanted to go to Barcelona because Salvador Dali lived there for a while. I like his artwork. Of course Mallorca has a […]

Beautiful Red Flowers – Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Eva asked me for some flowers. After I explained to my wife that Eva was referring to a jigsaw puzzle, I found these for her. And then promptly went out and bought my wife a dozen roses. Sigh… Enjoy!  

Vacation Things – Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

How many of you remember taking something like this on vacation and on picnics? I’m pretty sure we had a set when I was a kid. That was a long, long time ago… In a galaxy far, far away… Yeah, I’m going to have to go see Rogue One this week. Enjoy and please share! […]

Surprise! Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is actually two surprises in one! You don’t get a preview, and the only hint I’ll give you is that somebody probably would have preferred a puppy. Oh, I received permission to use the photograph in today’s puzzle. Enjoy and please share!  

Duck Painting

Friday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Today’s jigsaw puzzle is titled “Duck Painting” which is confusing as I don’t see how a duck can paint. I mean, if it holds the brush in it’s beak, how does it see where to paint? If it holds it in one of its webbed feet, won’t it fall over? […]