Today’s jigsaw puzzle of monastery windows was suggested by William, who actually lived in a monastery for about a year when he was younger. Thanks for the suggestion! (Tomorrow – In Like A Lion!) Enjoy!
I’d like to start the week with some nice landscaping, probably because I spent some time digging in the dirt this weekend. That, plus the weather is supposed to be nice enough to have lunch outdoors. Meet me at the picnic table? You do see the picnic table, right? Enjoy!
It must be a crafty weekend. Yesterday’s jigsaw puzzle was needlepoint, and today’s is yarn. Enjoy and please tell your friends!
I sure can’t do needle work. I’d stick myself too many times! I do think it’s amazing what people can create when doing this. My wife is pretty good at it, although I’m really good at finding her dropped needles with my bare feet! Today’s jigsaw puzzle is brought to you by the letter “O” […]
Meanwhile, down home on the farm Wiley the sheep was getting tired of counting people while he tried to go to sleep. Seriously! What do sheep do when they can’t get to sleep? Count each other? That reminds me of an old science fiction story called “Do Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep?” Now that question […]
If you like today’s jigsaw puzzle, you should tweet about it! It’s of a nuthatch. I think it’s a cute little bird! Enjoy and please share!
Lynne asked for a tougher puzzle, and Bob’s wife asked for some flowers. Of course, she asked her husband, not me. Bob, being the cheap guy he is, offered me half of a Snickers bar to make her a jigsaw puzzle. I held out for the whole bar. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a couple of suspicious looking children. I think they are looking for something to sneak into the house to scare someone with. Yeah, their parents better look out for a frog on the keyboard or a snake in the tub! Sneaky kids… Enjoy!
Calm down and relax. It’s just a Monday. Happens every week. Nothing to get upset about. After a busy weekend, including a fantastic TEDx I attended, I thought something calm and relaxing would be nice. Tomorrow, however… Enjoy the puzzle!
All of my kids liked to draw on the sidewalk with chalk when they were younger. In fact, I saw some kids doing that just yesterday as I drove past. They seemed to be having fun. Sometimes that’s all it takes for me to pick out a subject for a jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!
The feedback I received about yesterday’s fractal jigsaw puzzle was pretty much either “I loved it” or “how could you publish something that hard I hate you!” The “loved it” outweighed the “hated it” by about four to one. It was also the puzzle that got me the most feedback in a year! Anyway, today’s […]
I wanted to do an abstract jigsaw puzzle, but this somehow seemed better. It’s sort of a fractal image in different shades of purple. The tough version could drive you mad, or entertain you for hours. You decide. Enjoy!
This Saturday I will be going to the local college to attend a TedX! The first ever in my city! Yay! If you’ve never heard of the TED Talks, then Google it. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a dorm at a college. No, it’s not this college. I didn’t have any pictures of it. Yet. […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle has a bit of a musical theme to it. It’s an old style pipe organ. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a lot of bright plastic shapes, like you might find in a kids toy or something. I’m not really sure what, but it is a bit of a tough one. Blame Evelyn. She asked me for a tougher one. Again. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle was suggested by Carl and Rebecca who have a small farm. The jigsaw puzzle is of a dry riverbed. Enjoy!
I had a pet lizard when I was a kid. He had terrible breath. I guess it came from eating bugs and such. The reason I bring this up is I was waiting for my lunch order to come up when the man next to me struck up a conversation. His breath was a little, […]
Happy Saturday! It’s time to play another game of “Where’s the door?” Actually, today’s jigsaw puzzle features a series of doorways that are missing the doors, and they are a bit round too! Yes, this puzzle is a bit tougher, but not too tough. Enjoy!
By request I am bringing you a mystery jigsaw puzzle. Not only is the final picture a surprise, it’s an abstract too! Have a wonderful 4th of July! Enjoy, and please share!
Sonja (Red Sonja?) asked for something pretty for a jigsaw puzzle, and I found this red flower. Enjoy, and please share!