Today’s jigsaw puzzle is something I probably would have enjoyed if they had them when I was a kid – it’s a bounce house! One thing you have to remember about them is you want to tie them down really, really well. Oh, and don’t jump in them if you have a pair of scissors […]
The weather outside the Hungarian castle in today’s jigsaw puzzle seems a little bit gloomy, which is appropriate for a gloomy Monday morning. The clouds are out, and we might get a little bit of rain. That’s why you should stay inside today and enjoy the puzzle. (Oh, six people said the street scene in […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a street scene from… Somewhere. I honestly don’t remember off the top of my head where this is from. If I think of it I’ll post it. Enjoy!
It’s flower time again! Yep, someone asked for flowers. Well, it was my wife, and she does have a birthday coming up sometime. I know, because I have it written down… Somewhere… Anyway, the flowers in today’s jigsaw puzzle are called Blue Eyed Susan’s. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a nice living room full of furniture. That’s better than an empty living room, unless you need the space for ballroom dancing. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is an abstract, and for some reason it reminds me of sand dunes at the beach. Enjoy!
Today we have nice raw red tomatoes and green tomatoes. Sorry, they aren’t fried. Thanks go out to Rebecca for the suggestion for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is for all the people that live in rural areas and own a horse or two, or three, or four… City folk can enjoy it too, I hope! It’s been years since I rode a horse, but I remember it was fun. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle starts the week out with a diet breakfast. I consider it to be the warm-up for the real breakfast of pancakes, eggs… Well, I think I would probably want a bit more, but for a jigsaw puzzle the serving is the right size. Just to make sure your Monday starts right, I […]
I wanted to do a jigsaw puzzle that was a bit more traditional, and chose this picture of an old painting. (No, Bob, it isn’t a self portrait I made in the 1800’s. I’m not that old!) Anyway, I don’t remember who painted it or when. It’s actually been in my collection of pictures for […]
In the cactus garden you want to be especially careful you don’t trip or sit down unexpectedly. Cacti hurt! They are pretty to look at, but if you’ve ever stuck yourself with one, you know to be careful around them. I think we once had the only cactus in the state of North Carolina that […]
Here’s a staircase in an interesting jigsaw puzzle. It almost looks like it’s in a school somewhere. Anyway, it’s Friday which means the weekend is only hours away! Oh, yesterday’s puzzle wasn’t a pizza after all. It was a quiche. Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle sort of looks like a pizza, but I’m not sure. It could be a pizza, but then again it could be some kind of dessert. Only way to tell for sure is grab a fork and dive in! Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is the one that I was supposed to publish yesterday, but got out of order. By tomorrow things will be caught up. For this one it’s a mystery jigsaw puzzle, which means you don’t get a preview. You also don’t get any hints. What you do get is an extra version. The […]
Well, I got the puzzles a bit out of order here, and yesterday I published Wednesday’s puzzle by mistake, so today I’m publishing yesterday’s puzzle. Confused? I sure am. Anyway, this puzzle is of some scary stairs up the side of a cliff. I’m not sure I could climb these, either up or down! Either […]
It’s Monday, and I thought a good way to start the week was with some nice flowers. Indoors, of course. I wasn’t sure how long they would last outside given the strange weather we’ve had over the last few days. Anyway, it’s just my way of saying you should take the time to smell the […]
I drove past an old bridge not too long ago, and it had railroad tracks down the middle. Not exactly like this, but similar to it. Did you ever walk across one of these, and then you kept looking over your shoulder to make sure there wasn’t a train coming even though you knew it […]
There’s a lot of new construction going on in my area. Mostly shopping, as we have a bit of a glut of empty houses, but there are houses being built, too. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a reflection of that. What about where you live? Enjoy!
Summer’s almost over, and I thought a picture of a pretty girl enjoying the last of it would make a good jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy and please share!
Break out the silverware, company’s coming for dinner and we need to make it look fancy! What? Silver polish? Just dip them in some red juice, grandma! Oh, all right, I’ll polish them. What? Uncle Bob pawned all the silver and the only thing in the drawer is an old lottery ticket? Hmmmm… Break out […]