Eva asked if I had any jigsaw puzzles with butterflies. I found this little fellow who was very happy to pose for us today. Actually a bird ate him about ten seconds after this picture was taken, but at least this way he’ll be remembered in a positive way. Enjoy, and please share with your […]
The last two days the weather has been great! As you can see from today’s jigsaw puzzle, I would much rather be at the beach. Oh, well. Maybe later this summer. Enjoy! (P.S. If you had trouble getting to the web page today, I apologize. I was working on an update to the web page […]
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a crowned bird. It’s a funny looking one. Well, Andie asked for something a little bit different. I hope this is different enough. Enjoy!
I was looking through our movie collection and spotted the movie ‘Blazing Saddles.’ Somehow in my warped mind that made me think of this picture of a stagecoach so I grabbed it for today’s jigsaw puzzle. I guess I should be happy I didn’t find my tape of a recent political debate. There’s no telling […]
I haven’t done a jigsaw puzzle of some older buildings in a while, so when I found this photograph, I thought it would make a good change of pace. I have no idea where this is, though. Enjoy!
Thursday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Yep, more flowers! These flowers are painted, and look great! If they remind you of yesterday’s jigsaw puzzle, both pictures were done by the same artist. Enjoy!
I’ve been watching a movie called “Mirror Mask” and that was the inspiration for today’s slightly abstract jigsaw puzzle of masks. The movie is sort of out there, and so is the puzzle. Enjoy!
Ken and Pat also sent me the photograph for today’s jigsaw puzzle. I figure a continental breakfast would be just the thing to get me ready for my next trip. Nope, not sure exactly when, but I’m getting ready, even if I can’t spell “continental” without a spell checker. Enjoy!
No, Bob, the title of today’s jigsaw puzzle doesn’t mean I’m going to publish a cat jigsaw puzzle every day. Yes, your wife will cook your supper after she finishes the puzzle. (Bob’s wife really, really likes jigsaw puzzles of cats.) Today’s puzzle is of two cats that belong to Ken and Pat. Thank you […]
The tiger in today’s jigsaw puzzle doesn’t look particularly happy, but then again, how would you know? I mean, how would research into that go? Professor: Carl, go into the cage and tickle the tiger to see if you can get him to laugh. Intern: Sir? Professor: Get in there now or I won’t give […]
Saturday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle When I found this picture of a Hard Rock Cafe, it reminded me that I still had a Desert Rock Cafe T-shirt I picked up in Kuwait many, many years ago. Actually, I have two of them, but this one is the less ragged looking one. Too bad they both […]
This week I’ve had two other flower based jigsaw puzzles and have some good feedback about them. Today is the third and final one of this series. It’s also a bit more complex. Enjoy!
OK, the purple thing in the plate in today’s jigsaw puzzle is probably not a fruit. I think it’s an eggplant. In any case, I think I’ll have a banana! Enjoy!
Today’s jigsaw puzzle is, well, as hard as a rock. Sort of. The easier versions aren’t that tough, but the tough version? Wow! It ain’t easy, that’s for sure! Enjoy, and please feel free to inflict this puzzle on your friends!
Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle As promised, today’s jigsaw puzzle is a violet colored flower with a nice blue background. Just in time for the snow. Enjoy! Tomorrow: Rock On!
I believe I may have mentioned my unplanned road trip to the countryside? Today’s jigsaw puzzle is what I saw when I was coming back down the mountain I went up. (Can’t believe I forgot my phone had a GPS app!) Enjoy! P.S. – Tomorrow’s jigsaw puzzle will be a nice violet flower.
I hold a world’s record when it comes to solving a Rubik’s cube. Yep! The longest time ever taken to solve one. How long, you ask? I’ll let you know in about another twenty years or so. Anyway, this next week will feature several different flower themed jigsaw puzzles, with a few non-flower puzzles thrown […]
When I told my wife I wanted to take up fencing, I imagined it would involve little pointy swords. Perhaps I shouldn’t have tried to prove how sharp the sword was by trying to chop her favorite candle in half. I’m hoping wife lets me out when she gets home from shopping. Enjoy today’s jigsaw […]
Wow! My facebook page just broke the 1000 likes mark! Thank you so much! Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a nice abstract painting. At least, it looks like it was painted, but it could just be excellent computer graphics. It’s still a heck of a challenge. I had to use a white background because every other […]
One of the things I’m trying to do is to eat more healthy food in order to improve my health. I’m doing it by tiny steps. For example, one serving of baked potato chips has way, way less fat and fewer calories than the normal cooked in oil kind. That’s a substitution I made, rather […]