dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" 2014 | Play Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzles from JigsawADay - Part 10
Ride The Carousel – Tuesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

It hasn’t been that long since I last rode a carousel. We were at the park and my daughter wanted to ride it, but didn’t want to get on it by herself so I got on with her. You’d think that going around in circles would get boring, but I enjoyed it. No, I didn’t […]

Really Fresh Fruit – Monday’s Healthy Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I like to start the week’s puzzles off with some fresh fruit, so I thought you might like some, too! My favorites are bananas and grapes. I also like apples as long as I can slice them up first. Today’s jigsaw puzzle is, of course, all about fresh fruit. Enjoy!

Sunday’s Rainbow Flower Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a tad bit different for a flower puzzle. It has a rainbow of colors and looks like something someone made. Sharon suggested it to me. Thanks Sharon! Enjoy and click the “Like” button to share with your friends!

Ludwigsburg Plaza Musicians – Saturday’s Entertaining Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features some street musicians in Ludwigsburg Plaza, Germany. Enjoy, and please PinIt!

Windmills Of My Mind – Friday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

An oldies radio station is the inspiration for today’s jigsaw puzzle. Actually, I get a lot of my ideas for jigsaw puzzles from the radio, or whatever music I happen to be listening to. Of course it’s a picture of some windmills. Enjoy!

Paintbox – Thursday’s Rainbow Followup Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is sort of a followup to yesterday’s puzzle. In case you forgot (or didn’t play it,) it was titled “Rainbow Abstract.” Today’s puzzle is of the paints that could have been used to paint a picture like that one. Call them my own little art project. Enjoy!

Rainbow Abstract – Wednesday’s Unusual Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is called “Rainbow Abstract.” It sort of describes itself, and it’s a little bit on the tough side. Enjoy!

Flower Arrangement – Tuesday’s Fragrant Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Pam asked me for a nice flower arrangement for a jigsaw puzzle, and I’m happy to oblige. Of course I have to buy my flower arrangements as I have zero talent for making my own. Not unless you count the cactus I once put in a pot with a couple of rocks. Enjoy and you […]

Outdoor Cafe – Monday’s Lunchtime Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

One advantage of the warmer weather is you can eat lunch at an outdoor cafe. One disadvantage of the warmer weather is that it’s too hot to eat lunch at an outdoor cafe. It would be so much better if they were air-conditioned. Sigh. The sad thing is, Bob thinks I’m serious! Enjoy!

City Harbor – Sunday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a sight familiar to people in the Navy – a harbor! There’s something unique about standing on deck while sailing by the shoreline, especially if the water is glass smooth and you’re making 30 knots! Enjoy!

Saturday’s Relaxing In The Sun Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Saturday is a good day to relax in the sun, but be sure to use some SPF-500 sun block. The folding chairs in today’s jigsaw puzzle are nice to sit in, although sometimes they can be a bit hard to get in and out of. I prefer to have mine in the shade. It reduces […]

Planter – Friday’s Not For Peanuts Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

You wouldn’t want to grow peanuts in this planter. It isn’t big enough to get very many. You can get some good flowers and maybe a vegetable or two from it, though. Oh, those are feet hanging down in the upper right hand side, in case you were wondering. Enjoy!

Dinner In Crete – Thursday’s Suppertime Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I had a nice dinner in Crete back in my old Navy days. It was a sponsored event for some of the crew. The food was excellent and there was live music. Today’s jigsaw puzzle features a scene from an outdoor restaurant in Crete, just for nostalgia’s sake. Enjoy!

Red and White Flower – Wednesday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Flowers must be pretty popular for jigsaw puzzles. I keep getting lots of requests, and it seems more people download them than any other kind. For today’s puzzle I feature a red and white flower. Enjoy!

Cora and Katie – Tuesday’s Best Friends Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

I’ve had a few requests for some jigsaw puzzles of people, and I thought this nice shot of Cora and Katie would work just fine. The last people puzzle I did was of a crowd, so I picked one of just two people. Enjoy!

The Cabin In The Woods – Monday’s Scary Title Jigsaw Puzzle

Did you see the movie “The cabin in the woods?” I saw it. It was a new take on the old horror movie where a bunch of kids go stay in a cabin in, well, the woods, and have to deal with maniacs wearing hockey masks. I’m not sure the building in today’s jigsaw puzzle […]

Kermit the Frog and the Muppets – Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Happy Father’s Day! The Muppets and Kermit the Frog have been around for years and years. I think there’s still one or two of these around the house somewhere. Hey, you can’t have a herd of kids like we did and not have Muppet toys. Anyway, in addition to telling bad jokes on TV, they […]

The Guitar Man – Saturday’s Bread Jigsaw Puzzle

This song was once considered better than sliced Bread. OK, bad pun. Enjoy today’s jigsaw puzzle while I go find the peanut butter.

Harley Davidson Motorcycle – Friday’s 2-wheel Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I’ve been on a motorcycle about three times in my life. That’s it. I’m a bit cautious about getting on one of these things. I mean, I fall out of chairs, including just now while I was making the puzzle! I’d make it about ten feet […]

Grizzly Adams – Thursday’s Un-Bearable Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

Do you remember the TV show “Grizzly Adams?” It was about a friendly bear and his pet human, Grizzly Adams. It was pretty popular at the time, but the movie version was canceled when the star ate his pet. Anyway, today’s jigsaw puzzle is of a bear named – Bear. Enjoy!

Flowers and Butterflies – Wednesday’s Abstract Jigsaw Puzzle

Today’s jigsaw puzzle is a little bit of an abstract. It’s butterflies on flowers. I found it to be an interesting challenge, and I think you will too. Enjoy!