Monday’s Free Daily Jigsaw Puzzle
So Bob finally got out of jail, and by jail I mean his wife finally let him out of the house.
OK, she made him leave the house. After months of being in the dog house from when he left the bar after having a few too many and he ended up at a shower display at Home Depot and decided to take a shower before going to bed.
Needless to say, Home Depot wasn’t impressed and called the police. They covered him up with a drop cloth and duct tape before hauling him in.
A public defender showed up to represent him and somehow he ended up asking for Home Depot to be arrested for false advertising because the shower didn’t work.
Anyway, his wife let him out for a couple of hours, and he came over and we decided to play some cards.
He shuffled the deck, then challenged me to pick a card and make a puzzle out of it.
I’m sure you have figured out which card I drew by now.