Basement Wine Cellar
I always wondered what was behind that door, and I finally found the key to unlock it.
There were some dark, creepy and rickety stairs going down, and me without a flashlight.
So of course I went down the stairs.
At the bottom there was another door that was also locked.
Curses! Foiled again…
Yes, the key from the first door fit the second door and I found myself deep within the basement in a room that had been turned into a wine cellar.
The worst part was, someone had drank all the wine!
There were hundreds of bottles in the racks, and every one empty.
OH well. At least I could get the deposit back on the bottles.
What? They don’t do that anymore?
Well, then. there was only one thing to do with this wine cellar here in this deep, dark basement:
Take a picture then turn it into a jigsaw puzzle.
P.S. I need a better flash on the camera. The colors didn’t turn out as well as I hoped they would.