Sunday’s Daily Jigsaw Puzzle

From Wikipedia:
Valdemar Atterdag holding Visby to ransom, 1361 is a historical painting (oil on canvas, signed in 1882) by the Swedish historical painter Carl Gustaf Hellqvist (1851 – 1890).

The image depicts a type of taxation called “Fire Taxation” where if the people of the town don’t give enough money, the whole town will be burned to the ground.
Today fire taxation refers to the taxes collected to fund the local fire departments in certain areas. In this case, if the fire departments aren’t funded, there could be no fire department to respond to fires.
In any case, the above article provides some wonderful detail about the painting, and some history of the time. I spent over an hour following the links and reading about this historical period.
And yes, I still found time to work today’s daily jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of which rotate.

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